The cries of joy

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Screams of horror filled ma ears as we slowly landed. Cries of horror and utter dismay as Soren reached in and picked me up. All i could say is Callum, over and over again. I looked behind me and saw Amaya cryin into Callum. Ruith and the gang arrived and slowly bowed for Ez. A startouch elf came out screamin in fear when she saw Callum. She held a young tidebound elf, protecting her. I started feelin faint, and dizzy. 

"She's loosing blood!" I heard Soren say.

"So is Callum!" I heard Green screamin. Zym whimpered and a young earth blood girl held onto him. She was soothing him, he was scared for the people that raised him. That's when i screamed in pain and blacked out.

*discalimer* there will be no more perspectives for the rest of this fic🥺. Kinda sad that this is ending but this was toads fun. Tomorrow will be a month since i started writing this. Also i was listening to Cupid's chokehold on repeat while writing this so i was inspired.

Callum stirred in his sleep, he opened his eyes. Rayla laid in bandages right next to him. He noticed his shoulder wasn't hurting anymore. 

"Huh?" He said turning to see Respen sleeping in the chair next to him. His hands were covered in blood, more like HIS blood. He's been healing Callum. Callum sighed and when back to sleeping Rayla. She's been cleaned up but not changed. 

"Thank god" he thought. He wasn't exactly comfortable with someone changing his girlfriends clothes. He leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose. She woke up confused. She saw his face next to hers and immediately smushed her face into his. They only broke when they needed air. Then Rayla broke down sobbing, crying into Callum. 

"Am i pregnant?" She asked.

"He couldn't have, Ruith told me he was lying?" Callum said tears pouring out of his eyes. Rayla felt her hair, and looked up at him.

"Who were the elves that were here?"

"They were here for your funeral." Rayla burst out laughing. Respen stirred and woke up, gasping. 

"Omg! They're awake guys!" He screamed. Amaya burst in sobbing, followed by Ez holding Zym, Ellis holding Bait, with Ava at her feet, Soren came in along with Noah, then Janai, then Opeli, then Gren with Drannor, then Kali and Meorise, then finally came Saira. 

"How long have we been out?" Rayla asked.

"Three days!" They all said. Rayla flopped back down next to me. Every burst into tears of joy. Ez and the pets crashed into Callum and Rayla. The group of five cried into each other and hugged each other tight. The main five finally together again. Callum got up and slowly pulled Rayla with him.every stepped back as he led her out of the room. They slowly walked to their rooms. Getting teary eyed, Callum opened his room door to see everything was left the same. His sketchbook layer on the side, his scarf thrown on the bedpost. Rayla gasped and flopped onto the bed. Callum bit his lip as he approached Rayla and slowly tugged her clothes off. She melted into him aa he changed her into a lavender sweater and black pants. He pulled her now shoulder length hair into a loose braid. He pulled on a blue jacket and black khaki pants. Ez came in holding two cups of steaming tea with Soren right behind him. Soren was holding a plate of juicy steak with potatoes. Zym whimpered and licked Rayla, she let out a laugh.

"You still have a ball tomorrow." Ez pointed out handing them plates to them. Rayla, who was a sworn vegetarian, wasted no time and dug in. Callum laughed and pulled Rayla close to him. They all sat in silence, enjoying each others presence.

Separated, Rayllum *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now