60. Attractive Shy girl.!

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Yuri actually didn't trust you with dress and directly sent you to home and carried dress with her telling that you need to wear with her, you originally wanted to wear ordinary clothes but she didn't let you.

You requested her but she didn't listen to you at all, when she came out of the room running away from you, she happened to bump into Jungkook, she widened her eyes and waved at him, he looked at straight ahead and stopped in his tracks as he thought something and looked back gaze swept past yours and landed on her face, nodded his head at her making her smile so brightly, he asked Minho to sent her back, it's already night, you stood there blankly staring at him but he didn't look at you and went away, you chased after him complaining but all he could do was ignored.

You stand Infront of him why he asked Minho to sent Yuri back, did he have any intention but he coldly looked at you mockingly and his tone was ridicule.

"Second Marriage girl, you overstimulated yourself, get lost."


You didn't understand, what's his intention Is, when he saw Yuri his mood was actually very different, you endured it and didn't retreat, instead turned around to left him behind.

After freshing yourself, you directly went to laid down and opened WeChat, your mood is better after knowing that you can bring family to banquet, So Yuri will accompany you there, you got new WeChat message asking if dress is ready for tomorrow, it's weird Mr Kim send you a message asking kind of question! his character account was in English, you thought it wasn't necessary for him to prepare dress for you.

When Jungkook came out of the bathroom, he saw you're holding phone and after finished doing his things still he saw you're holding phone, staring at it, his sharp and cold eyes revealed a cold emotion, it was like a hot knife cutting through butter.

You're looking at phone but suddenly felt the pressure around your body turn cold, you looked in the direction of the cold air and found that Jungkook was staring at you coldly, you're chatting with Seokjin, so you immediately looked away and turned off the phone screen and pulled the blanket to cover your head facing back to him and closed eyes.

You're just chatting with someone else but he still blamed, he's really too domineering.!

This man is really too hot- tempered!

And you fall asleep with phone in hand, next day Yuri came over and Jungkook directly let her in the room, as you're still sleeping, she poked your head to wake you up.

"You sleep like a dead pig."

you looked around and found you're still in room sleeping in the floor, she came because she have nothing to do and Young Master agreed to let her in too, you looked Jungkook everywhere but he wasn't in room, you sigh and sat up getting up.

"Did you and Jungkook not sleep in the same bed?" she didn't thought your relationship with Jungkook is that much bad her voice is so light, seemed to contain pity, you both are not real husband and wife so it's naturally bad, your tone carried a hint of self ridicule, you got to sleep peacefully is enough, just like beginning, you had to sleep outside.

Even Yuri is satisfied that you Both's relationship is not good but looking how depressed you're she felt unhappy, she suddenly thought she's very bad friend.

"Y/n, you have such a miserable life in Jeon family, how about..."

you took clothes from cupboard "Wait for me for a moment, I will change my clothes first then accompany you to breakfast." you directly went to bathroom, she saw wardrobe that you just shut, she curiously opened again and saw how perfectly clothes were organised, one side was your things and other was Jungkook's, she only looked at Jungkook's things, there's many suits hanging inside, she thought about how those suits and shirts had all been wrapped on his body, she couldn't help touching it, fingers wiping them one by one and finally she stopped in one of the suit, she vaguely felt that it's familiar, she try to recall where she saw these suit's button!! she widened her eyes and stare at the suit, it's ...!!

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