🙋Meeting Years Later🥀 Pt.2

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Shigaraki was sitting at the bar, feeling and acting a bit restless. His dangerous hands fidgeted around with some tarot cards, mumbling to himself. More and more of his thoughts became about that boy, wasn't his name Todoroki Shoto? Kurogiri noticed that Shigaraki seemed to be acting a bit stranger than usual, and decided to question it, "Is everything okay, Shigaraki Tomura?" 
"I'm fine." Shigaraki spoke gruffly, grunting as his card tower collapsed in on itself. 
"Are you sure? You seem to be restless. Is something troubling you?" 
Tomura scratched at his neck, picking up one card and flipping it around with his two finger tips. 

"Okay..maybe a little bit.." Shigaraki admitted, hating how pitiful he felt right then and there. 
"I'm listening." Kurogiri encouraged.
"Remember that one kid who was trying to use Eraserhead's scarf?"
"Ah yes, I was a bit surprised when you didn't kill him." 
"I..I think I know him."
"From when I was younger, wondering around on the streets." Shigaraki gazed at all the pictures on the scattered out cards, "He had found me when I was curled up beside a trash can in an alley way." Shigaraki's eyes half closed, their bright red color washed over with a look of sorrow. His overall expression appeared to be made up of desolation. 

"He was so kind to me. He had given me food, and attempted to help save me." Shigaraki's face grew livid again, "But his siblings, who barely bothered to talk or even look at me, dragged him away."
"What do you want to do about this?" Kurogiri implored, already knowing that Shigaraki wanted something done about this.
"I want to talk to him, but I don't even know where or how I could get in touch with him! Besides, I doubt he even remembers me." 
"Now, I wouldn't say that." 
"Eh? What's that mean?"

"Well, first off, he didn't attack you straight away when you refrained from using your quirk on him," Kurogiri pointed out, "He also seemed to want to rush towards you when Snipe had shot you."
Shigaraki hissed under his breath as he flipped the card in his grip over, seeing he was holding The Lovers card, "I'll kill both All Might and Snipe for how they treated him.." 
"We could always find out his schedule, or where he lives. Maybe then you could have a chance at communicating with him."
"Wait, you mean in person??"
"Of course, how else?"
"Over text!! I-I'm not ready to talk to him face to face!!! Face Time is fine, but not in the flesh!! Too soon Kurogiri, WAY too soon!!!!"
"Oh dear..." 

"How could you put yourself in danger like that??!" Endeavor scolded his youngest child, arms crossed as his flames raged around his face. 
"I was just trying to help!" Todoroki attempted to argue.
"You could have been killed by the Villain!" All Might snapped.
"I was watching what he was doing! I was fine!" Todoroki continued to fight back against the accusations, beginning to feel claustrophobic for some odd reason. 
"You can't be a Hero if you put yourself and others in danger like you had done." Nezu reminded, being the only one who was not yelling. 

"Your are too careless with your life, Todoroki." Aizawa stern and harsh attitude was cranked up to mega levels of intimidation, "Are you suicidal or something??"
"When are you going to stop suggesting that i'm suicidal?!?" Shoto gritted his teeth, becoming angry. 
"When you start acting like someone who wants to be alive." Aizawa answered firmly. 
Shoto turned to Nezu, "Give me my chart!"
"Why?" The bear/dog/mouse creature questioned with confusion.
"Because i'm not suicidal, and if it says I am, then it's wrong!" 
"What happened yesterday when the U.S.J. was attacked?" Aizawa inquired, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"I almost died," Todoroki let out a harsh sigh as he lightly rolled his eyes, "you think I did that for kicks?"
"You put yourself in mortal danger, attempted to use my weapon, even though you did not and do not have the slightest idea on how to use it--"
Todoroki interupted, "I WAS TRYING TO SAVE PEOPLE!!!"
"Why is it that every other person in your class had the sense to back down, but you didn't? You know, people usually tend to run away from this line between life and death. But you? You seem to stand on it and wait for a strong wind to sway you one way or the other. Your careless with your life, Todoroki." 

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