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ayakorose645 I put your request here, hope that's okay!

"You should have never come looking for me." Giran scolded the red/white haired boy beside him, "It was a stupid decision. You should have just stayed pout at UA like Shigaraki told you to." Instead of responding to the lecture, Todoroki continues to scan the room while he still has the chance. Inevitably he'd pass out again due to whatever drug Skeptic kept injecting him with every hour or so. Aside from making him fall in and out of consciousness, the drug also made Todoroki's body weak which in turn kept him from using his quirk to break out of his restraints and get Giran and himself out of this place. From what Shoto could tell--couldn't be too sure, he kept falling asleep and waking up at random points--he had been here facing this giant glass wall for about two days. Possibly three. 

Todoroki had known from the moment Giran hadn't answered his calls, plus the random appearances of severed human fingers at various locations, signaled to Todoroki that something was up. Since he's always been good at finding people, the fire/ice user eventually figured out where his friend had been taken. But Todoroki did have to admit that he should have made a better plan than the one he had originally come up with. Despite this, however, just the thought of Giran being harmed made Todoroki rush through planning to hurry himself along to Deika City. The plan would have been successful if not for Shoto having no previous knowledge about who exactly kidnapped Giran. 

That was how he got here; drugged and tied up in a chair along with Giran. 

The voice of their kidnapper, a man who only addressed himself as Re-Destro, spoke up for the first time in awhile, "I must admit I am impressed by how far you managed to come." Todoroki looked over at the man who was swirling his wrist around in tiny circles, swishing the red wine around inside the glass in his grip as his black eyes stared out the glass wall before him.  After a moment his gaze averts from the glass to look at Todoroki, "I believe I have seen you before. Last year's UA sports festival to be precise. You were in it, yes?" Todoroki again doesn't answer, instead just narrowing his different colored eyes at the orange haired man. Gesturing to Giran, Re-Destro inquires, "Why would someone like you be interested in helping him?" 

Todoroki looks to the trash can--again ignoring his kidnapper's questions--where the remnants of his mask remained. Though he had many masks just like it, that had been the only plain one he had left; Toga had gotten a hold of all the others and painted on them. Tiring of the young man not answering him, when Re-Destro speaks again his tone changed from calm to deeply annoyed and his smile faltered, "I advise answering my questions, boy. Unless you'd rather have fewer fingers than you were born with." 
"Leave him alone!" Giran snaps suddenly, gaining Re-Destro's attention. Giran's scuffed-up face turns serious, pink eyes that were usually hidden by circular glasses glaring into Re-Destro's shallow black ones, "Trust me, you really don't want to hurt this kid."

Re-Destro smirks, looking almost amused, "Oh? And why is that? Must I remind you that he can't do anything to fight against us in the state he is in? The same goes for you too, Okuta."
"I'm not talking about what either of us will do, i'm talkin 'bout what he'll  do to you if he finds out you hurt him." Giran responded, nodding his head towards the city on the other side of the glass. Before a response could be uttered the sound of the elevator doors opening sounded throughout the room, revealing the one and only Twice on the other side, along with some knocked-out goons. Seeing Re-Destro, Twice pants out, "You're the dumb cult leader who's trying to ruin the one place where I finally belong!" 
"Bubigawara!" Giran gasps, turning his head around as much as he could to try and catch a glimpse of his old friend. 

"Whoa, you gonna invent something for that vanishing hairline?" Twice asks in a taunting tone, stepping out of the elevator while at the same time beginning to create a doubles, "Liberation Army? More like Chrome-Dome-Cult!! Pardon me, that was rude.
The dark birth mark-like splotches on Re-Destro's face grow as he speaks, "Unlike my good Miyashita, there is nothing charming about you."
"Clearly," Twice says as he creates two doubles, however one is being made much quicker than the other, "I'm way faster at making doubles of myself than clones of anyone else." The clone Twice made with his right side finishes, revealing that he's another Twice. The other was a double of Shigaraki.
Twice #2 says, "Cause I know myself best!" before creating another set of clones. 

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