💙ShigaTodo Head-Cannons❤️

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Ye, I got some head cannons. Most of these will be about their relationship while some are about just them as a character.

Let's all discuss my head-cannons about both Shigaraki and Todoroki. This will include mainly their sexuality, pronouns, age, etc. Well at least my head-cannons about them. 

Shigaraki is up first;

Shigaraki, at least in my stories, is around 20-24, usually around 3 years older than Shoto, and around 6'0. Shigaraki's sexuality is pansexual. He does not care about a person's gender or their sexual identity. He'll just take what he can get, and gender doesn't even come to his mind when thinking about relationships, both romantic and sexual. He just needs some love my guys/girls/non-binary peeps! Speaking of pronouns and gender, Shigaraki is cisgender, and goes by he/him pronouns.  

Todoroki is next;

Todoroki is usually about 17-21, usually 3 years younger than Tomura. Though it is not manga/anime accurate, I see Todoroki as 5'7 or 5'8, or just at least an inch or two shorter than Tomura. Todoroki's sexuality, at least to me, is 100% gay/homosexual. I don't care what anyone tries to tell me or convince me, Shoto is gay. Not straight, not bi, not even pan, he's gay. He likes men. Men. And ONLY MEN. Got it? Okay, let's continue on. 

As for gender/pronouns, Todoroki goes by them all, pretty much. He/him, she/her, they/them are the ones he is most frequently called by (i know there is a name for this i just forgot). Todoroki admits that sometimes he feels like a boy, others he feels like a girl, and others he doesn't feel like he doesn't have a gender. So, everyone has their own set pronouns for him. Shigaraki tends to mainly use he/him for Todoroki, but sometimes will use she/her. Todoroki sometimes dresses in girls clothes, mostly when he has nothing better to do, or Toga needs someone with a pretty face to put makeup on and dress up in outfits. 

Let's actually get into the head-cannons ya'll came for;

1.  Todoroki is described by many as emotionless. But, this was like a mask he used to hide him emotions throughout his childhood, and affected how he interacted with people. So, if he ever shows emotions, it's going to be around Shigaraki. Like one time when Todoroki was helping Shigaraki patch up after a fight with the Heroes, Todoroki had suddenly began to cry. Naturally, Shigaraki panicked, and asked what was wrong. Todoroki explained that he hates when Tomura gets hurt. 
(might write this as it's own chapter)

2. While sleeping or cuddling, Shigaraki will rest against either Todoroki's left or right side. The side he decides to use depends on the weather and how cold or hot he feels. Todoroki doesn't mind this. Though in winter, when he has to get out of bed, Shigaraki will want to pull Todoroki back into bed because it gets too cold without him. 

3. Doc was the one who made Shigaraki gloves so that he could touch things will all five fingers. But even after getting them, it took Shigaraki awhile until he could trust himself to touch Todoroki with the gloves on.

4. If the two owned an animal, it would either be some type of reptile, cat, dog, axolotl, or rodent.

5. If Shigaraki were to ever get drunk while Todoroki was at the dorms or at his childhood home, he would leave the LOV base and go find Todoroki, just so he can cuddle with him. It usually ends up with Todoroki having to sneak both him and Tomura out and go back to the LOV base, and stay the night there.

6. Shigaraki has insomnia, and finds it even more difficult to get some rest if Todoroki isn't around. So, he'll call Todoroki, sometimes at like 3:00 in the morning, just to hear his voice. Yes, even at that hour Todoroki will answer the phone, especially if he sees that it's Tomura who is calling. Shoto's voice to Tomura is like a lullaby, and finds it so relaxing, so soothing, and he will most definitely fall asleep to the sound of Shoto's voice. It's to the point where Shigaraki lets Todoroki recite either lessons from school, poems, stories, or even just letting him rambling on and on about something. Just so he can hear Todoroki's voice. 

7. Shigaraki let's Todoroki paint his nails when he gets bored. 

8. percy_peace_ 
Whenever Todoroki is around, the usual itch in Shigaraki's has in his neck leaves, and it's only when around him. He is also the only person Shigaraki genuinely smiles at.

9. If they ever had a child, biological not adoptive, it would be a girl who resembles Hana Shimura, Tomura's deceased sister. And as she grows up, she will more than likely resemble a blend of Shigaraki and Nana Shimura. 
(I'll end up making an entire chapter of head-cannons based off their love child lol)

10. Todoroki likes to put eyeliner on Shigaraki's eyes. Just--okay here me out:
The two are in the bar area, Shigaraki sitting at the bar with Todoroki on his lap. Todoroki has eyeliner, can be pencil or liquid, and just trying out looks on Shigaraki. And Shigaraki isn't voicing any complaints and is just sitting still!! And Todoroki just asks, "Do you feel pretty??"
"Yes," Shigaraki will nod, "I feel very pretty." 

11. Even though he didn't get much of a chance to go to school, Shigaraki will try to help Todoroki with his homework if he's struggling. But they both end up loosing brain cells and ask Kurogiri for help.

12. Both love cartoons, and watch things like Steven Universe, classic Spongebob Squarepants, or shows off of YouTube like Hellavu Boss and Hazbin Hotel. 

13. Shigaraki taught Todoroki everything he knows about games. Originally, Todoroki didn't even know what video games were. He had heard of them a couple times, but didn't investigate much into them since he really didn't care. Still, even now Todoroki finds it funny how addicting games are for Tomura, and would much rather watch him play then play them himself.
(same tho)

14. Like how Shigaraki is scared of his quirk, Todoroki is scared of his own. Todoroki has had outbursts that lead to his quirk malfunctioning, going off and burning/freezing anything close to him. These usually happen when he's asleep and has night terrors/sleep paralysis. This is why Todoroki is always so hesitant to fall asleep when around Tomura, worried he might harm him by accident. 

15. The only time Todoroki got mad at Tomura was when he didn't take his advice seriously. This happened, ironically during the U.S.J attack. Todoroki told Shigaraki to not do the attack during the U.S.J., since the kids there would have been something All Might really would have wanted to fight for. Attacking him right after a fight with another Villain, or catching him off guard, would have been a much better way. And plus, that Nomu should have been trained just a bit longer, learning every single move from All Might, and maybe some other Pro Heroes. But, being stubborn, Shigaraki did the attack anyway, and ended up with his Nomu being sent flying through a glass roof and Tomura having his kneecaps shot. 
Todoroki ended up ghosting Tomura for two days, which was enough for Shigaraki to nearly go crazy. Shigaraki apologized, in his own way of course, and Todoroki forgave him. 

16. Todoroki walks very quietly, and it scares nearly all the life out of Shigaraki. Like one night Shigaraki was staying up playing games on his computer. He was completely oblivious to the fact that Todoroki was watching him play from behind him. When Shigaraki was at a fight scene, Todoroki suddenly spoke up, "How does she see anything with that sun on her face?"

Aaaannd that's it for now.

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