💪Saved by a Villain🌺

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It was Wednesday, 3:18 P.M.

Todoroki Shoto was making sure that his last class of the day, 2nd graders, were getting onto their buses or being picked up by their parents/guardians safely. He checked off their names on his clipboard as they left, this was mainly in order for Todoroki to make sure none of the kids were left behind or none had run off. As Todoroki marked off another name on the sheet of paper, he noticed that one name remained unchecked. Reading the name, he let out a soft sigh; Yamamoto Asahai. Yamamoto's father sometimes had to work late, and it happened more often than not. So, it was pretty much normal for Asahai to have to stay at school later than most kids. Todoroki didn't mind this, he was willing to help his students in anyway he could. 

Todoroki went over to Yamamoto, who was sitting on a marble bench built in honor of a past principal's death (and really wasn't supposed to be sat on). Todoroki gave the child a genuine smile, filled with warmth and kindness. "Your father working late again, Yamamoto-Kun?" Todoroki asked, even though he already knew the answer. Yamamoto nodded, face blushing around the cheeks, embarrassed. He didn't like when he had to stay longer than normal. Not that he hated being around Mr. Todoroki, quite the opposite actually. He was Yamamoto's favorite teacher! It just made the little boy feel guilty when Mr. Todoroki was forced to watch over him until he was finally picked up. 

"Mr. Todoroki, can I ask you something?" Yamamoto spoke up, twiddling his fingers nervously. 
"Sure you can, what's up?" Todoroki agreed with a nod, capping his pen and putting it into his pocket protector. 
"Well," Yamamoto began, his tone of voice sounding hesitant, "all of my friends have dreams of becoming heroes. At recess they always play 'Heroes Vs Villains', and during free time they talk about what hero names they want. But, I don't really want to become a hero. Is it okay if it's not my dream?" 
"Of course it's okay! Not everyone wants to become a hero, and that's perfectly fine." Todoroki answered, confused as to why Yamamoto felt pressured into becoming a hero. Yamamoto tried brushing his bangs out of his face, but they just fell back in their place.
He sighed, "I feel like I have be a hero though. Since all my friends and some of my family members are always telling me how my quirk would make me a great hero." 

Todoroki felt his heart ache, his own childhood briefly flashing into his thoughts. But he quickly shoved these memories aside, kneeling down to Yamamoto's level. "You wanna know a secret of mine?" Todoroki asked, and of course being a child made Yamamoto wildly curious. He nodded rapidly, his shaggy reddish-orange bangs falling over his black colored eyes, which were filled with wonder. Todoroki looked around, as if making sure no one was spying on them, this small action made Yamamoto giggle. "When I was little, my family and friends made me feel like I had to be a hero too." Todoroki confessed.
Yamamoto gasped, eyes shooting open wide, "Really??" 
"Really," Todoroki nodded, "all because of my quirk." Todoroki held out his hands, fire erupting from his left palm and a small tower of ice shooting up from the right. 

Yamamoto watched in awe, having never known about Mr. Todoroki's quirk before this. "But I soon realized," Todoroki began, making the fire and ice go away, "I wouldn't have been happy being a hero. It wasn't what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to do something that made me happy. So, if the idea of becoming a hero doesn't make you happy, don't feel like you have to force yourself to become one." This made Yamamoto feel better, and a bright smile grew on his freckled face. 
Yamamoto slid off the marble bench, throwing his arms around his teacher's neck, still having to perch himself up by the tips of his toes, "Thank you, Mr. Todoroki!" 

A limousine pulled up in front of the school gates, Mr. Yamamoto quickly stepping out of the driver side. "Hi daddy!" Asahai waved to his father, quickly pulling his backpack onto his shoulders. 
"Hi buddy," Mr. Yamamoto smiled, before looking to Todoroki, "thank you so much for staying out with him. Sorry I keep getting help back at work." 
"It's no trouble at all, sir." Todoroki waved off the apology, seeing to reason for it.
"See you tomorrow!" Asahai waved goodbye, before running into his dad's arms. Todoroki felt slightly envious of this, but once again removed those feelings from his body. Once they had driven off, Todoroki went back inside the building and into his classroom. He gathered up his stuff, before venturing to his sister's classroom. 

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