💙Tomura's Protector🦸

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The crumbled remains of the U.A. High School was now serving as a major battlefield. The League of Villains were in the process of retreating the fight, since they had completed their mission--destroy the retched high school and put a few hero course students and pros out of commission--the fight they were in no longer served them much purpose. All that was keeping the group of wanted criminals from leaving was their boss, Shigaraki Tomura. At the moment he was fighting the #1 Pro Hero and was struggling to find an exit from his situation. 

Shigaraki's body ached from the forming bruises and wounds, on top of that the skin on his neck burned from the intense itchy feeling there. It was all making the process of picking himself back up difficult. He knew he could defeat Endeavor, he could take down anyone and/or anything in his way. However, the last fight he had with Midoriya and Bakugou really took a lot of energy out of him. "Damn it.." Cursing under his breath, Shigaraki used a chunk of school debris to help him stand back up to his feet while hearing booming footsteps approaching. He needed to find a way out of this fight and get back to the rest of the League, and he needed to do it fast. 

Endeavor grew closer he barked out, "Your rain of destruction and death in this city are over, Shigaraki!"
Shigaraki rolls his ruby red eyes as his lips twist into a nasty snarl, "Ugh, save me the agony and keep your heroic speech to yourself." Growling in annoyance at the villain's rude comment, Endeavor used his flames to shoot himself forward, landing a swift punch to Shigaraki's face. Before he got a chance to grab Endeavor with five fingers, both his wrists were snatched in a large grip while he was simultaneously grabbed by his neck.
"This is the end of your line, villain." 

Suddenly Endeavor shouts out in pain, something stabbing through his right shoulder. Blood spritzed out on Shigaraki's face, eyes flinching shut in reaction. Reopening his orbs, the villain boss recognized the weapon almost instantly, ' Ice? '  An enrage cry erupted from behind the #1 Pro Hero and out of nowhere his son leapt onto his back, hands coming around to claw at the man's fire covered face. Out of surprise for his youngest attacking him and defending the enemy--not to mention pain--Endeavor's grip on Shigaraki vanquished, dropping him to the ground. 
"LEAVE HIM ALONE!! DON'T YOU DARE HIT HIM!!!" Shoto screamed, trying to gouge out his father's turquoise eyes. 

Stumbling backwards, Endeavor tries shoving Shoto off of him. Despite his best attempts, Shoto clung like a spider monkey, swinging himself around to get more on the Hero's right side.  Without Enji realizing it, a tiny dagger sprouted out from the tip of Shoto's right boot. Swinging his leg up the blade stabbed through Enji's cheek, blood filling his mouth as pain shot through him. Quickly grabbing Shoto by his ankle, Enji jerked him away yet at the same time causing the blade to rip through his flesh; creating a hole in his face. The fire/ice user's fingers dug into the ground as he was flung back, keeping him from falling too far away. "What the hell are you doing, Shoto?!" Endeavor snapped while his hand came up to clasp over the hole in his face. 

"I won't let you hurt him." 
Enji's eyes briefly widened, something clicking inside his head, "You're with them? The League?"
Shoto answered, "I've been with them for three years, actually. I was the very first member." gesturing by holding up three of his right hands fingers. Rage filling him, Endeavor launched forward, shooting out flames at the boy. Dodging the fire blast, Todoroki went to shoot ice up from the ground in an attempt to stab Endeavor, but wasn't prepared for the kick in the face he received. He felt the small bit of bone in his nose break, making his body jolt from the pain. But it wasn't about to stop him.

As Enji reached down to grab Shoto the fire/ice user sat up quickly, the top of his head colliding with Endeavor's own nose. An audible crack was heard, followed by Endeavor letting out a pained noise as he stood up, hands flying up to cover his damaged nose. Taking this chance Todoroki used his ice to form little claws at the tip of each finger. Using these he jabbed them into Endeavor's gut, slicing upwards before yanking his arm to the side. Doing his best to power through the agony flowing through him, Endeavor began landing blow after blow to Shoto's face and body, trying to keep him from moving away or getting another chance to attack him. 

Wrestling around with each other, Endeavor finally managed to grab a hold of Shoto by his neck, shoving his body firmly against the ground. The man scoffs, "What a waste. You could have been a phenomenal hero, Shoto. Powerful and successful. Yet you can't even finish a fight you started." To the Hero's surprise, a sorta smile creeps onto Shoto's bloodied and bruised face, chest trembling as he let out amused huffs. "What's so funny??" 
"If I wanted to kill you, you'd be by now." Todoroki panted out, smirk growing and his eyes narrowing in an eldritch way, "I was just letting you get your last licks in." 

Confused at first, it suddenly hit the fire user that he had left the most wanted villain in Japan alone. Dropping his son he turned around to go back and restrain Shigaraki, but was met with a hand grabbing his face. "Die..." Shigaraki hisses out, grip tightening gradually as he watches the #1's skin grow dark gray and crumble into powder. The dust fell down onto the red/white haired male, causing him to quickly brush it off while his eyes scrunched up in disgust. With his wrist limp, Shigaraki held out his arm to the younger, to which Todoroki accepted and grabbed onto his wrist. 

As he was pulled up, Todoroki caught a glimpse of  Spinner rushing towards them. "Oh thank god, you're not dead!" Spinner breathed out a sigh of relief.
"What do you mean by god? God had nothing to do with our survival." Todoroki pointed out, tilting his head and furrowing his brows a little bit.
"It's just an expression kid, now let's hurry back to the others." Spinner ushered, pushing the two back to the rest of the League. 

Later that evening, Todoroki was helping clean a wound Shigaraki got during his fight with Deku in their recovery room. "Is black whip sharp?" Todoroki asked while examining the damage to Tomura's bicep, most likely just trying to keep the room from going too quiet. He personally didn't mind silence, but sometimes it could be a bit much for the young man.
Shigaraki nodded a bit as he watched Todoroki reach for the bandages, "Yeah." 
"I believe the mission went well," Todo began to mutter, "we accomplished all that was needed and we even took down a bunch of Pros. Some cases are more severe than others, but that is what he wanted, i'm sure." 

Shigaraki halfway listened to his boyfriend's little ramble; his mind at the moment was a beehive of messy out of control thoughts. For some odd reason he kept thinking about his family. The dead one, not the League. He kept remembering how they had never helped him from father's abuse. How they rejected his pain with kindness to just outright avoid the actual issue. Tomura could only guess that this was coming to his mind now because Shoto had saved him--which mind you had happened once or twice before, so this was nothing new. Could it have been under that specific circumstance; a known abusive father and husband having beaten him black and blue, only to have to turn around and fight his actual child who was protecting him.

Yeah, that was it. 

"You saved me." Shigaraki said out loud just as the bandaging process was finished. Tilting his head to the right a bit, a small--albeit confused--smile appeared on his face.
His cool hand pets the mane of wispy white locks, "Of course I did, babe. I love and care about you, I couldn't just let him hurt you." Shigaraki drops his head down on the younger's chest, arms wrapping around his waist. Shoto rested his chin on top of Tomura's head as he returned the embrace. He runs his fingers up through the older's hair, cooing in a soft tone, "Tomura.." as he felt Shigaraki shiver under his touch. 

Despite the coldness of Shoto's skin, Tomura melted into the contact of his hand, listening to the smooth-paced rhythm of his heartbeat. A feeling of serotonin washed over the villain boss, making him feel very drowsy. And he actually does doze off, his eventual snores catching his partner by surprise. Just then, the warp gate villain enters the room, "How is the patching go-" He cuts himself off when he sees Shigaraki asleep and Todoroki sitting still like a statue. "Why-"
"I don't have it in me to wake him even if I wanted to." Todoroki answered before Kurogiri even got his question out, making sure to speak quietly as to not disturb the sleeping man. 

"Oh dear.."

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