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I had left the classroom and I had majority of my classes with Parker. He avoided eye contact with me and twiddled his thumbs like crazy.

We were assigned partners for third period Calculus Three which was supposedly a college math for juniors. I shrugged and inhaled lowly, as the teacher was explaining things I could easily solve with my dad's notes.

"Would anyone care to solve the equation?" Our teacher asked. I kept my head in my notes, I always was nervous about answering a question in class. I knew the answer, but there was always a small doubt in the back of my head.

Majority of the class raised their hand and the teacher chose me. I sighed and flashed a smile. "The equation of the curve is x squared plus y squared equals one because the arrows on the graph indicate the orientation of the graph that is the direction that a point moves on the graph as T varies from 0 to 2 pi."

Everyone looked at me with different expressions. My teacher was impressed but upset? The kids were just shocked, I guess because I am not just a pretty face.

I smiled and he moved on to the next equation. He passed out worksheets to do until class is over and the homework for tonight. There was a semester project as well due before winter break.

Parker and I have to build a surface that can withstand the Earth's climate.

Whatever that fucking means.

I finished the worksheet and started on the homework. After doing enough to leave me work afterschool, I took out my sketch pad and drew some possible suits for my client. Dad told me about this spider kid he recruited, I didn't know his name- I don't think my dad told me.

I designed his suit for Germany and my dad made the modern upgrades for gear. I had some ideas for weapons or suit tech, I left most of it up to my dad. Pretty much I have helped my mom design uniforms for the team because I wanted to be included and my dad found my sketchbook one day, he insisted.

I noticed Peter peeking at my sketches so I placed my arm down to block his view.

"Wow. You're a pretty great artist." He mumbled, causing me to smirk.

"Thanks, Parker." I said, continuing to block his view. "Why are you scared to talk to me?"

"I'm- I- I'm not scared. I just never have anyone to talk to besides my best friend, Ned." Peter said, louder than the first time but there was a hint of confidence in his voice. "You like Spider-Man?"

"Like is a strong word, I appreciate his work and generosity to New York, but I just sketch superheroes." I lied, keeping my identity concealed until the shit my dad's going through blows over. "Why, Parks? You apart of the Spidey Clan?"

"No- I-I mean, I appreciate what he does to, but I don't want to go around and save people like he does- that's so... stupid." He blurts. I made a face at him and he thrned red.

"Saving people isn't stupid, it's courageous. We should all admire that from the Avengers, especially Spider-Man." I said, before the bell ring. I grabbed my bag and my belongings, turned in the worksheet and walked to my next class.


I was finally off from school and Happy was outside as soon as two thirty appeared. He opened the car for me and closed it. "How was your first day, kiddo?"

"It was pretty interesting. Met a boy, don't know if we'll be acquainted or not." I said, texting my father.

I received a call from your school today.

The Perks of Being A Stark • Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now