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MJ and I were getting ready in the morning when Mr. Harrington knocked on the door. She answered it while I sat on the bed, tying my shoes.

"Hi, girls. Just wanna let you know the bus is downstairs." he announced as we nodded. Michelle closed the door and grabbed her luggage. I wanted to use my abilities so bad, but I decided to just roll my suitcases.

We were outside and Brad was quick to help me with my bags as he smiled at me. "Good news, we're going to Prague." Mr. Harrington says with a smile. My eyebrows knitted together as I shot MJ a look. She shrugged before wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Paris, senior year. On me." I smiled at her response and nodded.

"Deal." I said, as we continued to listen to Mr. Harrington. "Tour company called. They upgraded us. You should've heard me on the phone with them. I really gave them hell."

"All I heard was crying." Mr. Dell blurted as I erupted in laughter. I covered my mouth as my classmates looked at me. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment as MJ held my hand. We rolled by Mr. Dell and I spoke, "You're my favorite teacher, Mr. Dell."

He eyes me as we continued to walk. "I hope it's not cause I'm black." I bit my lip to keep from laughing as we all walked to the bus. I had no idea how far away Prague was but I knew I needed to text Pepper.

"Whoa, look at our upgraded ride." Everyone began reacting to the sumo bus and I just sighed. MJ looked at me and I nodded as we continued to trudge our luggage.


I went to sit near the front of the bus, near the window seat— when I notice Peter in front of me. I jokingly kicked his seat and he turned around, relieved it was me. "I hope you won't do that the whole ride."

I giggled and shrugged. "Depends on how I'm feeling." All of a sudden Brad sits next to me with a wide smile. I returned a small one and notice MJ gripping her book, glaring heavily at Brad. I didn't realize that Peter moved and I kept my focus forward.

"You look nice." he complimented as I looked to my hoodie and leggings with my crocs.

"Thanks." I smirked, watching as MJ sat across from us. I had no idea how long this ride was gonna be so I drank some water with Benadryl and put in my headphones. Brad had sent me some album and what better way to listen— than sleeping.

My phone vibrated and I ignored it, going back to sleep.

An hour later we arrived at a resting stop and Brad politely tapped me. "We're here."

I yawned and stretched what I could before standing up. He offered a gentle hand and I smiled at his gesture before getting off the bus. An arm grabbed me and I took off, I looked up to see MJ and I smacked my teeth. "To what do I owe, this ride."

"That Brad Davis is a piece of shit." she ranted as we enter the women's bathroom.

I yawned again before wiping some crust out my eyes. "What? Why, what happened?"

"I was going to sit next to you. Like always. It's us— and he shoves me out of the way." MJ vented as I process what she revealed to me. "I told you I don't like that guy."

"Well why would he be a dick to you, and not me?" I questioned more to myself than her.

"I don't know maybe because it's you he likes." she suggested as I gasped. "Why are you surprised?"

"I get that I'm like a 'catch' but it still surprises me, damn." I defended as she scoffed.

"What are you gonna do about him?" she asked me, as Betty came out washing her hands.

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