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Saphira had no idea what she had discovered normally she would tell her sisters but that seemed out of the question. Using her enhanced suit, she found her way to her mom's old office in search of a lock.

It was a Saturday night, so her father would think she's at Alana's place. Except she told Alana she was with Cindy and she needed her to cover for her.

Her phone vibrated as she climbed through the window of the abandoned building. She landed quietly as she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

cindy 💍
Hey babe
I miss you.

hi baby, um–
hanging out with my sister right now
when i get home, sure

cindy 💍
Okay babe
Love you

Saphira internally groaned at the messages, it hadn't been until recently that Cindy had sent her a picture in just her undergarments. Now this became a thing between the two, Saphira would send her intimate photos and vice versa.

The only people who were aware was Alana and Milian of course. Her sisters guided her through every new experience and feeling in life. To Saphira's knowledge it's completely normal in relationships, except when the partner's are uncomfortable.

She trusted Cindy and wasn't insecure of her body so she complied. However, she still had doubts about Cindy's heart in this relationship. She didn't want to look suspicious so she complied and opened up—the wrong way obviously.

Saphira was now rummaging through drawers, flipping through fies. She wanted to find out where this key went to and who was that red head woman, her mom had photos of. The youngest Stark was here for twenty minutes before she thought she heard footsteps. She stepped back into the shadows, thankfully her suit was dark.

She watched as a familiar silhouette appeared  under the light of the window. Spider-Man.

Saphira was careful to stay where she was as he examined the place, looking for anything out of the ordinary. The brown girl was just happy that she made this suit to be undetected. He inched closely to where she was making her hold a breath.

Peter couldn't explain how but he sensed someone in this room. He couldn't see them, but he felt it and he didn't want to leave knowing he could have stopped another villain from rising.

He saw something off about the shadow and moved closer. The arachnids used his infrared lenses to see any heat signature and he picked up nothing in this room. His tingles on the other hand, was telling him there was someone else in here.

Peter was being hard on himself, he was slacking in school, catching bad guys. All because of her. He missed Saphira but he couldn't bring himself to text or call her. He knew he couldn't screw this up, so he continued to walk around. Eventually, he decided that this was just an abandoned office and he needed to wait for more evidence.


Saphira thought that Spider-Man would never leave she really didn't want her first time doing a top secret mission, to be foiled by her arachnid friend. Once she used her glasses to scan the perimeter, the girl quickly moved out to continue searching.

After scattering through many file cabinets and drawers she discovered a locked drawer on her mother's old desk. She used the key from her bag to unlock it, but nothing was in there. It was empty. She tried everything to open a hidden compartment but it was just empty.

The Perks of Being A Stark • Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now