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We landed in London and I fell asleep again while Peter was finishing his suit design. I was waking up and I seen Peter and Happy talking, there was an energy drink sitting in front of me and I opened it.

"Right, but last time you got hit by a train." Happy reminded as I sipped the drink.

"True, but this time— " he sighed. "How do I explain this, I have like a sixth sense..."

"The Peter tingle." Happy mentioned as I giggled. They both looked at me and I turned in the opposite direction slowly. "That's what you're talking about, right?"

"It's not working though, I heard... I heard it wasn't working right now." my uncle stammered as I kept my laughing situated.

"It is working." He says and I stood up to stretch. "Well- well, I don't know if it's working."

"Okay so you got the Peter tingle, that's the plan." Happy summarized as I noticed Peter's irritated face. "We're gonna go get your friends, you get the Peter tingle back online." He left to go to the front but he stopped when he saw me.

"Thanks for the boost." I looked towards the energy drink and he smiled.

"You never could handle jetlag." My uncle mentioned as I nodded. I tapped my bracelet and my suit appeared. I grabbed a floor length mirror I stashed in between a seat. "Woah." I turned to see Peter eyeing my suit and I smiled.

"You like?" I said twirling around. "When my dad found out I had powers he made me an upgraded suit," I smiled at the memory before my face fell. "I told him I didn't want to be an Avenger."

Peter stepped closer to me and I teared up a little. "He said, that leadership isn't an option– because I was not only his daughter but because of my mom. People would look to me and it wouldn't be my choice."

"I'm sorry— this is your moment and I'm- I'm ruining it." I finished as he grabbed my hand. "Hey, hey."

"Saph, baby. You're not doing anything wrong. I think you should give yourself more credit. I saw you out there—" he mentioned, looking down at her. "If hadn't been for Thanos's ships, I believe you and Wanda would've killed him."

My heart beat sped up and I laughed. "Really?"

"Yes, really. And I look up to you. I always have, you just carry yourself so well and you are the top of our class— it's kinda hard." he teased as I playfully pushed his chest.

"I'm saying all this to say, we made a great team then, we'll make a great team now." Peter kissed my hand and I bit my lip.

"Okay." he moved to kiss my head and I moved to kiss his lips but he pulled away. "When I get back and we beat Beck."

I nodded and he put on the suit he made, which was my favorite one, yet.


"Alright comms check," Happy spoke, as Peter hung on the outside of the plane. "Can you hear me kid?" I was also wearing one but I kept it on mute currently.

"Yeah, yeah. It's just a little loud out here." Peter responded as Happy watched him.

"I like the new suit." my uncle complimented and I winked.

"Thanks, Saph has a great eye." Peter replied causing me to roll my eyes.

"Woah." I followed Happy's line of sight and gasped. "You two sure that's not real?"

I nodded and silently groaned.

Why did my dad have the most outrageous technology?

It paid the bills I suppose.

The Perks of Being A Stark • Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now