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It was an hour after I contacted Alana and I had managed to do serious damage to these stunt dummies I was using.

"Hey Friday, place an order for new mannequins please." I asked, retracting the discs I used to cause the damage.

"You got it dude." she responds, and I laugh. I had two batons I used to fight with along with chinese ring daggers, ninja stars and miniature grenades. I didn't want too many gadgets because I couldn't free enough space for both them and the magnets. I implicated magnets in my suit and weapons, so after I use them... they return.

I hear a knock on my door and my sisters entered. "Wow, baby sis. Pops is spoiling you."

"Duh, I'm the youngest." I reminded as they scoff.

"What did you need us here for?" Milly asked, looking at my sketches and blueprints.

"Well, dad's kind of gone for the week. So I took it upon myself to finish a project I started before the Sokovia Accords." I mentioned while Ala sat at my desk on her phone, probably arguing with her friend.

"A project? Like for school.. or Avengers project?" Milly added, walking closer to where I was.

"Let's just say I was inspired by dad." I answered, revealing my suit.

"Oh, God. That's never a good thing." she responded, analyzing my body. "Wow, sis you sure you haven't been having the sex— becauss that ass is—" her hands hovered over my butt, making me turn around and glare at her.

"Milly! No, I'm still a virgin. I've been too occupied in doing this to have a teenage boy, undress me." I defended, shuddering at the thought of someone else touching me.

"Okay, guess mom's genes are stronger than expected." she muttered, glancing at the mannequin in front of me. "Please tell me, you didn't call us here, to kill us."

I slapped her shoulder. "No. Mills, I called you both here today, to throw stuff at me."

Alana finally joined the conversation. "Baby sis, you're not super?"

"I know, but dad's a scientist and I'm an optimist, so a chance has been taken." I announced as they both threw me warily looks.

"Okay but don't kill me if you die." Milian says, picking up one of the ring daggers I was going to have in my ankle pocket. I walked back a few feet before smiling.

"Alright Milly, there is a slight bump in the middle of the knife. Press that, then throw it." I coached as she looked back at our eldest sister, who watched us intently.

She threw the dagger and I caught it, pressed the button and slid it in my ankle pocket. "Holy shit."

My sisters held impressive gazes before Alana, whispered something. "Baby sis."

"Yes." I responded, geeking out about my suit.

"Has dad ever talked to you about Mom's lineage?" she questioned, as I frowned a bit. I didn't like knowing about my mother when she wasn't here. I just tried to fill the void by hanging out with my dad, but all he talks about is her. And I appreciate him, trying to keep her alive for me, but I know she's dead.

I just haven't said anything out loud because that solidifies it. He misses her so much and it would crush him to know that I want him to give up. I want him home, with his girls that are still here.

He puts on a bold front for us, but I know he's hurting. Pepper wanted me to go and represent her collection, but I can't bring myself to text her manager– to text anyone who was in her inner circle.

The Perks of Being A Stark • Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now