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If I said this was gonna be a good vacation...

I should have said for how long.

MJ and I had about an hour to ourselves before whatever shit attracted in New York had follow us here to Venice. We had taken pictures with birds, I also took a picture with some random girls. MJ and I had went to a local pizza shop— let me tell you, I will never eat pizza in New York again.

I'm more of a pasta girl, but I never turn down food.

MJ was now recording me as I leaned into a backbend. "Wooo, flexible girl!" I laughed as I flipped over and ran to the curly head. I watched the footage and smiled. "Do a flip."

I rolled my eyes as she started taking photos of me. I gave her my purse and took my shoes off. I prepared to do a back handspring, MJ cheered when I landed gracefully and I smiled.

We walked around before almost getting in a boat. MJ spotted Peter after we learned a new Italian word. "Bo." we said sneaking up on him and I noticed his flinch.

"What?" we walked down the pier and I was on Peter's right and MJ was on the left. "Bo. It's the most perfect word in the world."

"Italians created it." her best friend looked to her. "– and we have discovered it."

"What does it mean?" Peter asked as I smiled next to him.

"That's the thing, it could mean I don't know or Get out of my face," I started as his stared at me. "It's the best thing Italy created, since well pasta." A street vendor walked up to us and offered two roses. MJ declined leaving the man with a sour face.

"— it's like the anti-aloha." MJ smiled favoring her new superpower. "It's my new superpower. I was born to say this word."


"What you have there, P?" I asked trying to peak as he switched hands, holding mine.

"Yeah, what's in the bag.. Peter?" MJ added, noticing her two friends holding hands.

"Uh— Bo." he replied as we both smiled. "Nice,"

MJ pulled me from Peter as we walked away. "So where should we go next?"

"I'm pretty sure, Mr. Dell has arrangements for us to meet at the Da Vinci museum in thirty minutes." I reminded as she blew rasberries.

"Lame." she responded as I shrugged. "We could always go back to the room, no one would know."

"And that's just boring, we're in Venice— away from the drama and aliens." I spoke, apparently too soon. We met up with our group before realizing that the water was leaving its rightful place. My anxiety grew as I realized it was forming some kind of monster. MJ gripped my hand and I froze. Betty and Ned were on a canoe and it crashed into one of the doors. Peter rushed over to them and helped, while the water wizard.

We made eye contact as MJ held on to my hand tighter. I was frozen in fear as Ned was helping MJ pull me out. "S, stay with me." I could hear her but I couldn't respond. "You gotta help me get her away safely."

I felt Ned grab my other arm so I was now supported. The two rushed off to find our other classmates and I was just frozen in fear. I've never felt this amount before since, an incident at a lake.

I was now sitting when I realized MJ had been talking to me. "Saph, hey. Saph. You're dry okay. You're dry and you're with me. You're safe." she cupped my cheeks and looked into my eyes. I shuddered and she covered me.

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