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IN RETROSPECT I PROBABLY SHOULD have told Stephen what I saw, but he probably would have questions that I didn't know the answer to, like what did you see? What was the trigger for it? How long were you able to stay there? You see my dilemma?

I'm gonna tell him tomorrow because I have a date with Peter today and I need absolute peace, no wars, no aliens, purple– etc. Serenity.

I'm currently at the Sanctum Santorum studying for my final Astral Projection test. Stephen told me if I needed help ask, but I believe I'm okay for now. My watch dinged and it was my boyfriend telling me he was outside. I left the building and looked up to see my web shooting love, perched. He hopped down and took of his mask. We leaned in for a kiss and he hugged me. "I missed you so much, even though we've spent everyday together."

"I feel the same way, P. You ready to go?" I asked, inbetween feelings of swinging with him.

"I should be asking you that." he laughed and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he took off. I felt the movement of the wind and I was glad my hair was in box braids. I was slowly leaning away from Peter's neck. "Saph, babe. You okay? You're really quiet."

I hummed as we came to a stop and I was still around him. "We're here, love. Come on." I hesitatingly stepped off of him and landed my feet on the concrete. I switched my feet to make sure the ground was real and I smiled. "Yea, I'm never doing that shit again."

He scratched the back of his neck and laughed. "Sorry, Saph."

"It's not your fault, P. I wasn't built to fly." I said as the screen went off in Time Square. It read Breaking News. My chest tightened and Peter was now ontop of the lamp post. "We come to you now with revelations of last week's attack in London. An anonymous source provided this video it shows Quentin Beck aka Mysterio, moments before his death."

My eyes widen as I looked to Peter who looked at me. "A warning you may find this video disturbing." We looked back to the screen to see a clearly edited Mysterio. "I managed to send the Elemental back to the dimensional rift, but I don't think I'm gonna make it off this bridge alive. Spider-Man attacked me for some reason, he has an army of weaponized drones, Stark technology—" I covered my mouth. Peter looked toward me and I continued staring at the screen. "He's saying he's the only one who's gonna be the new Iron-Man, no one else."

The footage shows P's lower half standing over Beck and it's playing E.D.I.T.H'S voice. "Are you sure want to commence the drone attack, there will be significant casualties?"

Peter's voice appeared on the video, "Do it. Execute them all." It went back to the news guy and my phone began to vibrate. I looked down and it was Pepper. I decided to text her back because the screen down here was loud. "This shocking video was released earlier today on the controversial website The Daily Bugle dot net." then some balding white guy with a dad stash takes the screen.

He starts talking about how Mysterio is the blah blah, blah blah superhero. And then fishbowl head appeared again. "Spider-Man's real name is— Spider-Man's name is Peter Parker." Peter's adorable yearbook photo is on the biggest screen in the city and I started texting my mom again. "What the fuck,"


I was texting Pepper when I noticed Time Square flooding with people. "That's right folks, Peter Parker, the seventeen year-old high school delinquent..."

Strangers standing next to me analyzing my actions. "She knows him." Then they begin whispering and moving closer to me. A guy tapped me and asked me, "Are you Spider-Man's girlfriend?" I was frozen in shock and he repeated the question.

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