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I was a couple feet away from Peter and I noticed Michelle slightly behind me. "Wait up, you're fast."

I shushed her and hid behind a wall. "If he hears us, we blew the operation."

She nodded and was prepared to bust Peter Parker. We had lost Peter but he was at the carnival so it wasn't too bad— so far. "Hey, should we get on a carousel?" she asked playfully as I glared at her. "Maybe next time."

She followed after me while I got my suit online– just in case. We both scouted for anything unsual until MJ nudged me. It was a fountain that was bubbling and I backed up. The ground began to break and lava started coming out of it. I tapped on MJ's shoulder and she looked at me before grabbing on as I teleported us to an ally.

"What are you doing? You gotta go out there and help." My best friend panted, while she tried to catch her breath I used my watch to form my new suit using nanotechnology which is what my dad made for me.

"No, MJ. My job is to protect you. I can't risk anything." I explained to her watching the scene from afar. I couldn't hold back the guilt as I went to help bystanders avoid the flames. After helping the few people I saw MJ had something in her hand, she showed it to me and I analyzed it. "Friday, tell me that's not what I think it is."

"Saphira, you told me to never lie to you. From the looks of the machine it's a projector." Friday, started as I thought about it.

"Wait, so the Fire and Water monster?" I spoke to myself.

"Look at the webs, Saph!!?" MJ exclaimed as I breathed.

"Yeah, Michelle I see them." I couldn't believe my eyes or brain right now. "So either Spider-Man is visiting his family in Prague—"

"Or Peter Parker is Spider-Man." I finished looking from the device in my hand to hers. I teleported us near the hotel because I can't go far, only ten feet for some reason. MJ and I rushed to the room to process the information with the evidence we have.


After an hour and fifteen minutes of processing, I have come to the conclusion that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

Michelle is only sixty-seven percent sure, when I am ninety-nine point eight percent sure. We were now coming up with a way to confront him. "I think you should do it."

I blinked before shaking my head. "Chelle I'm still on the fact that I confessed my feelings to Spider-Man about Peter and he was hearing it and—"

"I get that, Saph, but this could help people— save the world now, be mad at him later." MJ advised, as I thought about it.

"I'm not mad, MJ. It's just overwhelming. To think I have been vulnerable with Peter this whole time. It's a lot." I sighed before looking to my feet. "You're right, I need to focus on one thing. Saving the world, kiss Peter Parker later."


"Shut up, Michelle." I blurted. My phone rang and it was Pepper. "Hey mom."

"Hey, have you talked to Happy?"

"Not yet, why what's up?" I asked.

"After what happened tonight in Prague, I told him to go pick you up."

"Mom, we're fine. I have to fix this." I started as she disagreed.

"Saphira Maria Stark, you're not getting involved okay? I warned you last time— only neighborhood crime!"

"I'm sorry mom."

"Saphira— no." the phone cut off because I out it on airplane mode and I took a deep breath. "Saph what's the plan?"

The Perks of Being A Stark • Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now