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I was currently working on a side project, in my lab.

Electricity shot out of the device I created and I jumped backwards. I was grateful for the protective gear I was wearing. I hear a knock at my door and I pressed the button, opening it. Pepper brought me dinner and she sat it on the edge of the table.

"Hey kiddo, what you working on?" She asked as I reprogrammed the device I was making.

"Just an after school project- nothing serious." I shrugged as I took off my protective goggles. I think she knew I was tired. I felt her hand on my shoulder as she leaned over.

"Don't be up too late, you have school tomorrow." Pepper kissed my head and walked out. "Remember to eat."

I sat back and looked at my somewhat done invention. I was working on a device that linked my brain to a suit I have been working on.

Not that I want to be a hero or anything, how cliché.

The world is coming to a very dangerous curb and I want to be able to protect myself, my friends and Pepper. My dad has done more than he realized for me and I just feel like if I wanted to- I could do more. It was just a prototype suit, I haven't decided whether or not I would try it on, I'd probably make Milly do it just cause.

Thank God for sisters- sometimes.

I find myself programming quite alot of features into the glasses that were apart of the suit altogether. I used the codes from my dad's files and what I knew from prior knowledge to add effects. I glanced at my clock and groaned, it was now three in the morning. I hesitantly went over to the plate of food, while Friday closed the doors to my lab.

My TV switched on to That 70s Show, while I ate my dinner. I fell asleep between the second season finale and the season three opener.


I was in the cafeteria with MJ and we were discussing our version of civil war. Honestly, I think my dad under reacted. He told me everything because we don't keep secrets from each other. It broke my heart that Steve wasn't going to be around because he was there for me when my mom went missing.

Nat was there for me to train when my dad was having grown men issues. I understand that Steve's best friend murdered my grandparents, but he was under Hydra. Not that it makes it better, but Steve didn't have to jump my dad.

"I think they should have their space after being up each other's ass in missions." I said, stabbing my fork in the shrimp salad.

"I agree, but the world is going to shit now. I feel like the Avengers is some sort of job right? There should be a professional-ism to some extent." MJ argued and I sighed.

"There is never gonna be a professional when you kill my grandma and cover for your friend." I rebuttal as she gave me a look.

"You have a point." She went back to eating her sandwich. "Have you figured out this whole Peter situation?"

I groaned and pushed my salad away, leaning my head in my arms. I don't even want to think about that handsome piece-

woah woah

"MJ, Peter is the farthest thing from my mind right now. I'm in the lab again, I think I'm close to working on a project." I informed my bestfriend in a hushed voice.

"Do tell." MJ says, I was about to explain to her when I seen Ned and Peter.

"Hi, Ned. Sit with us." I kept all my attention on the Filipino boy. "So how was your weekend?"

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