Twenty Two

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SAPHIRA was stuck on several things at once as she sat with her best friends, while her boyfriend was fighting the electric monster. The connection had cut off as she jumped at the sound of the multiversal being landing in the confining space, Strange curated.

"— No, Ned." Saphira says while typing on her laptop, a response to her professors discussion board. He was asking her about her newly found powers while completing a task.

MJ had rubbed her back in comfort, as she got up to take a phone call from her boyfriend. "Hey, Saph. It should be an electric guy and a sand guy," the brown-skinned teen saw the two people that have entered and watched as they tried to get past the barrier.

"Yeah, they look.. lost." Saphira commented holding the phone to her ear.

"You have no idea, hey I'm going to stay behind and clean this mess... you know so they don't blame me for it again.. I'll call you when I'm done. I love you." the phone hangs up and Saphira's heart beat slowed as she placed her phone down and sat by MJ.

She goes to explain possible plans and theories to Saph, who was deep in thought. "S, you okay?" MJ says wrapping her arm around her shoulder.

Saphira nodded and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I'm just hoping Peter is okay."

Michelle turned and faced Saphira towards her as she absorbed her expression. "It's not just Peter is it?"

Saphira looked down as she frowned. "Chelle, I just have a terrible feeling."


Peter returned to Strange's sanctum and introduced us to this man who Saphira, MJ figured was apart of the multiversal beings.

He introduced them to Dr. Norman Osborne, who looked like he saw a ghost once he reached Saphira. "Saphira," he spoke walking close to her as MJ, stepped out, protectively.

"Wait, you know her?" Peter asked watching Norman's eyes tear a little.

He nodded and MJ stepped aside as Saphira walked towards him. "She.. she's my daughter."

The four best friends sent looks each other's way as different reactions went around the room. Peter's eyebrows were almost touching his hairline, MJ had a 'wtf' face. Ned was amazed and smiled, while simultaneously nodding.

After a few minutes of mixed emotions, Saphira steps out for a moment while Norman and Otto have their rekindling.

Saphira went upstairs to the spare room Wong gave her and tried to calm herself down. "I just lost my biological dad and now this man, says I'm his daughter in another universe... what kind of shit is that?" she thought to herself.

Eventually she calms down and by the time she gets back to the undercroft, she finds out from her best friends that her boyfriend is fighting Strange and he has a goal to help the variants not die.

Saphira pinched the bridge of her nose before Peter appears with the box that sends the beings home. They surround him as he explains what happened in the five minutes he was gone.

"You just left him in that dimension without a way out?" Saph asked him as his face fell.

"Putting it like that, sounds like it was a bad decision." He responded, as Saphira shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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