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Two weeks passed and I was at school getting ready to go to Washington for the Decathlon. Mr. Harrington asked me to go with them to take pictures for the school website.

Apparently, Liz has been sharing my work to people and faculty- which leads me to be the school photographer. I am grateful, though I get to miss class to take pictures.

I sat next to MJ on the bus and we were listening to my playlist while we were reading the same book. I snuggled into her and I felt someone watching us. I looked around and I didn't see anyone, I continued to read and we both laughed at the same part.

We made it to our hotels and MJ and I were talking and playing cards when my phone rang.

"Hello." I answered.

"S, are you with Peter right now by any chance?" Happy asked me. I scrunched my face and made MJ draw.

"No, Uncle Happy why?" I questioned, placing my card on top of MJ's making her mouth "wtf". I laughed and cleared my throat.

"Just keep an eye on him while you're in Washington." Happy informed me as I hung up the phone.

"What was that about?" MJ said, covering the card before I could making me draw.

"Something about keeping an eye on Peter, whatever the hell that means." I responded as I heard a knock on the door. "It's open!"

Peter came in and watched us for a moment before clearing his throat. "Saph, can I steal you for a moment?" I threw my cards in and Michelle started to shuffle.

I walked out of the room with Peter and he looked nervous.

"Um so I need girl advice. I want to ask the girl I really like, to Homecoming, but I don't think she'll go with me-" Peter rambles as I nod. He's talking about Liz for sure.

Great, now I know my feelings for him are one sided.

If I had feelings- for him.

"Oh, Peter! That's exciting, you want to ask Liz to the Homecoming dance?" He is quiet for a moment before nodding. "Well just be yourself, it seems like she really likes you." I said with a painful smile.

"You sure? I should maybe get a poster, or some cupcakes?" He suggested and I shrugged.

"Listen to your heart and go from there." I said before going back in the room.

These different emotions began to overwhelm me, I have never felt this way before. Not with Harry or Ganke, I haven't even known Peter for long. I typically don't even date, when we were younger, Harry and I were together just because my dad and Oscorp thought it'd be good for their reputation.

"MJ I need your ears." I sighed laying on her bed.

"Talk to me, bestie." She said smirking at me and placing her book down.

"I think I like Peter." I mumbled, burying my face in the covers. "But, I don't want to act on these new emotions."

"I knew it!" She said, causing me to glare at her.

"I am observant, your body language says it all." MJ raised me to sit up facing her. "Listen, I'm sure you'll know if you like him before Homecoming."

"He's going to ask Liz, to be his date." I sighed.

"Well, you can be mine and Gwen's..." MJ said, trying to cheer me up. I shook my head and laid on my side.

"Not being a third, with you and your on and off girlfriend." I spoke, taking a deep breath and looking at the window. "After Harry, I thought things would be different, with him it was just business and we weren't even together for that long."

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