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Once Peter and I got back to the hotel, I continued to scold him. Peter held his head low as he closed the curtains in he and Ned's room. "He trusted you, P. I trusted you, how do you trust someone you just met a few days ago?" I listened back to my words and scoffed.

"I sound like Elsa– Peter you have me sounding like a freaking Disney Princess right now because you gave multi-billion dollar glasses to a man you just met—" I'm silenced when Peter kisses me. I felt myself kiss back for a moment until I realized.

I slapped him, then put my hands on my hip. "Peter!" I was now frustrated and began pacing back and forth. "You– you can't do that. Just kiss me to shut me up I am still mad—" he does it again and in my defense I have been dreaming of this but he doesn't need to know that.

My arms wrapped around the back of his neck as he pulled me in, unfortunately neither of us realized that MJ was standing in the doorway.  She cleared her throat and we jumped back, Peter wrapped his arm around my waist so I wasn't too far and I blushed.

"Saphira." MJ called, making me shiver a bit.

"Hold on, Chelle. Scolding Peter really quick," I turned to look at my best friend. "By the way— we were right."

Her shocked face turned into a smirk and she nodded. "Kind of a let down, but cool. Turns out, Spider-Man is your crush after all."

"MJ hush." I waved my pointer finger at her.

"You had access to killer drones and you just didn't tell me?" I questioned as he frowned at me.

"Saph, I understand your frustration." he moved closer to me and held my cheek. "I screwed up, you're right. I should have told you I had the glasses and that I was Spider-Man." he wiped a tear I had no idea was there. "Once we're all safe, you can scold me again, but just let me fix this."

I listened to him and I nodded, "Okay." he started getting undressed and I turned around. While he was changing into his suit my thoughts could not shut up.

Peter was Spider-Man

My nerdy crush, was the friendly neighborhood hero.

I turned around and his was in the black suit, my expression never faltered as he uncovered his face. Ned enters the room as MJ stood closer to me. "The costume looks great for the costume party— at the prince's castle."

I looked from Peter to MJ to Ned, then back to Peter. "They know, I told them."

"He didn't tell us anything." MJ said as I blurted. "He didn't tell us shit."

"We figured it out." I leaned on my best friend with a smile. "— like a long time ago," MJ added.

"Oh." Ned replied.

"Look Mysterio is a fraud," Peter started.

"But he saved Betty and I's lives?" Ned mentioned. I shook my head.

"He's been faking the whole thing— with stolen illusion tech from my dad's company." I explained.

"Yeah, he's using these like hologram projectors—" Peter added.

"Woah, that's crazy." Ned responds as I smack my teeth.

"He probably knows I know— so I have to," I stopped myself by digging in my tote bag. It was an untraceable flip phone, Pepper gave to me for emergencies. I dialed the only number programmed and stepped out of their room.

"Saphira, thank God. I've been trying to call your cell." my stepmom's voice came through the other line.

"Yeah, crazy new guy, has E.D.I.T.H. and now Peter has to get them back." I explained, as I heard her gasp.

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