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AFTER BEING IN A POLICE STATION FOR TWO AND a half hours we were now back at Peter and May's apartment. They were talking about the active investigation on Stark Industries, but what they aren't talking about is how Pepper handled it already.

Happy's photo was shown on the tv with a quote and I snorted. He looked at me offended slightly and I shrugged. "Could've used another photo, uncle."

Peter was anxious and I held his hand in comfort as Matt Murdock, really good lawyer sat down across from May and I. He was on the phone and Peter and I shared looks. "That's great, thank you."

"Well I have some good news, Peter. I don't believe any of the charges against you are gonna stick." He announced as we all felt relieved. "Seriously."

"Oh my God, Mr. Murdock thank you— that's amazing." Peter said as he squeezed my hand. They were all talking when Matt advised Happy and I lawyer up. "However Mr. Hogan, Miss Stark the feds are actively investigating that missing technology. I understand your loyalty to Mr. Stark and his legacy but if you two were involved —"

"— missing technology? Happy." I started as he looked away from me. I pulled out my phone as my lawyer was calling. I stepped away briefly from the table. It was for a couple minutes as they told me Happy and I would need to give an official statement before signing a few things and the charges would be dropped.

After sorting everything out I came back to the table and Happy was talking something about Goodfellas. "Happy I took care of it, as always."

"That's my niece. Smart as a whip, she is." he said with a smile and Matt stared at me.

"Peter you may have dodged your legal troubles, but there is still the court of public opinion." Matt informed as a brick flew through the window and he caught it. Peter's arm was out as well, where as I was just watching as May ducked beside me. "Mysterio forever." was heard after the shattered glass and I rolled my eyes.

Peter held an incredulous look as he took the brick. "How did you just do that?"

"I'm a really good lawyer." Matt says as I said "he's a really good lawyer." We made eye contact and I smiled a little. I had a feeling that Matt was Hell's Kitchen's masked hero. It's a really good theory, he's blind and a lawyer.

It's a hit show, written in there some where.

"We're gonna need a safer place to live." May says as I smiled looking to Happy.


I WAS CLEANING UP AROUND THE HOUSE WHEN THE DOOR OPENED REVEALING Peter and May with their belongings. "Hi guys." I said as the alarm was going off. May typed in the code and I smiled. Dum-E waved at them, then my uncle appeared in the doorway. "Welcome to the Spiritual Oasis, you like Donkey Kong Jr?" I rolled my eyes as I helped Peter with his belongings.

"Farthest room, you two!" the adults said as we walked upstairs. I put his things in the room across from mine, it didn't have a bed in it so he'd be sleeping on the couch.

A couple hours have passed and I let May and Peter settle in and get comfortable. I went downstairs to get a glass of water and Peter was trying to get the stain out of his suit. I knocked on the door and he jumped. I laughed as I walked closer to him. "Not funny."

"Your Peter tingles couldn't warn you." I joked as he dropped the brush and held me near him. "Thank you for everything."

"P don't stress it." I reassured him. "It's gonna be easier to deal with because it's us."

The Perks of Being A Stark • Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now