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It was the day of the homecoming game and I was excited to perform. My hair was in pressed straight and I had extensions, so it flowed just above my butt.

The girl's and I were getting ready in the gym. Tiara, one of the juniors, was doing my hair and makeup. The style was half up, half down and we were doing yellow eyeshadow.

Once she finished with mine, I went to the bathroom to take pictures

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Once she finished with mine, I went to the bathroom to take pictures. I sent them to the group chat I have with Pepper and my dad.

papa stark $
Take it off. I don't like it.

mama pepper <3
You look gorgeous honey.
Will be there after this meeting with Rhodey!

i can't wait Pep
dad your hater is showing.

papa stark $
How am I a hater?
Whoever did that monstrosity, should never be given the opportunity again.
I could've done a better job

🙄 its always about you. huh princess ?

papa stark $
Yes. Now go practice, I'm gonna be recording you, so don't— fail.
I'm down a billion dollars because of you.

eleven years of gymnastics is an investment.

I scrolled past the messages and clicked on Peter's contact.

hey are you going to the game tonight?

P <3 <3
I don't know. I asked May and she said she'll take me but she isn't home yet.
I might ride with Ned, if she isn't home on time.

okay great!! i'll be looking for you.

P<3 <3
I'll be cheering you on
Watching you cheer*
Watching the game.

lmao thanks p
ill ttyl we're about to get on the bus
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We were loading the bus for the game and I was excited but nervous. What if they don't win this game and football season is over. Our team isn't the best, but they aren't terrible.

Cindy was going around painting for school spirit and I asked her to draw a P. "Why that letter?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, not convincing her.

She realized that painting while the bus drove this street would smudge, so she waited. It was an awkward silence between both of us as she looked from my eyes to my lips. "Are you taking anyone to the Homecoming Dance?"

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