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It's been eight months since my dad died and it still feels real. I had been visiting my mom's grave and I just feel overwhelmed by these new emotion. I thought I knew what grief was when that plane went missing, but this is worse.

Michelle, Peter and Pepper has been there for me while I slowly, but surely recover. Not from just blipping, but also fighting a purple nutsack twice. I just feel unprepared to restart junior year and deal with all the looks of sympathy.

Pepper said that I didn't have to go back to school if I didn't want to, but I knew I couldn't sit in the house forever. My dad made a choice to sacrifice himself for half a billion people and I wasn't gonna let that go to waste.

 My dad made a choice to sacrifice himself for half a billion people and I wasn't gonna let that go to waste

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As I got ready for school, Morgan brought me breakfast and I smiled at her. "Mommy says hurry up before you're late again."

I rolled my eyes and took a burrito from the plate as she followed me downstairs. "Morg, stay out of Sissy's room when she's at school."

I gaped at Pepper as she nodded, "Yeah I caught her wearing your lipstick." I laughed and picked up Morgan. "Bad maguna." I scolded playfully as she laughed and kissed me on the cheek.

"Did Milly send you pictures of the babies?" my stepmom asked and I nodded.

"They are so cute. Steve has good genes." Pepper nodded at my comment.

"I told her to bring them over later, I kinda have baby fever." Pep admitted as I gagged.

"Gross, mom. Keep that to yourself." she shrugged as she handed me the keys to my car. Since I blipped for five years I had to retake my driver's exam and now I was an independent teen with a license. My dad still had my car in a safe place as I smiled. "Come home, right after school— so you can pack for your trip."

"Yes ma'am. Love you." I responded, going to kiss her cheek.

"Love you more." I walked out and noticed Morgan tearing up, she's been joint at my hip since the funeral. I actually love that, I was so used to being the little sibling I didn't know how it felt to be a big sister.

Spoiler alert, it feels nice.

As soon as I entered school, Whitney Houston was playing on the screen as I shook my head. Even while my father is dead, he's in my face at school. No but that blurry ass photo of Vision—

Michelle was waiting for me at my locker and she analyzed my outfit. "Last day of school outfit is cute, Peter will definitely keep his eyes on you."

I smiled and opened my locker. "When will you give up that Peter and I belong together deal."

"When you stop being stubborn and admit that you love that boy." MJ replied as I blushed, she handed me a poster and helped put my books in my bag.

"If Peter liked me so much why hasn't he done anything yet." I mentioned, closing my locker and walking towards homeroom.

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