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It's been four months since the homecoming dance and Cindy has become Saphira's girlfriend. This was new to both the classmates as they discovered new things about themselves.

The date was January 31st and the couple had found themselves in a park, eating ice cream. Cindy could hardly take her eyes off of the youngest Stark. This had become common due to the fact that she had the crush first, but was terrified of Saphira.

A laugh emitted from the brown girl's throat as she watched a fight between a dog and a cat. "Where do you see yourself five years from now?"

The question caught Saphira off guard, but she answered fairly quickly. "I don't know. Probably in college, interning for my dad. I know I won't be in New York." She ate the last her ice cream before dipping her spoon in her loves.

"Hey." the asian girl said playfully. "That's pretty vague, but I can see it."

"What about you?" Saph asked, turning to face her girlfriend.

"I see myself in college, graduating early hopefully. I just wanna start my journey building homes for people and families in need." Cindy started as Saphira stared at her with admiration. "I also want to start up a non profit organization to bring more awareness to mental health in teens."

"Wow. I love that." Saphira nodded in agreement. "If you need me to fund it I'm sure my dad will donate."

"You're so kind." the Moon girl complimented before standing up. "I have to get home, but I will text you when I get there."

She went to kiss her girlfriend passionately before disappearing into the snow. Saphira sighed and went to swing for a while. She normally didn't have to be home until seven, so she used this time to think.

Her birthday was coming up, which is exciting— although she still felt apart of her missing.

Meanwhile on the ledge looking down near the High Rock playground, Peter Parker has been watching over Saphira since the night of the dance.

Probably longer, but he wouldn't admit it. The fifteen year old boy watched as the brown girl pulled out her camera and take photos. She turned in his direction and snapped a photo. "Oh shit." he muttered, attempting to move back as she crept closer.

"Hiya, Spidey. Long time, no talk." she greeted with a smile.

"Hello there, number one fan." he replied, dropping down. They met in the middle as she snapped photos of him.

"Ha ha, you should definitely keep saving the city." The Stark mentioned sitting on the bench. He joined her as she went through her camera. "So where have you been? Besides watching me."

"I've been around." Peter admitted, sheepishly. "Sorry for being weird." She looked into his eyes over the mask.

"Don't ever apologize, you're doing your part to make sure the city's safe. Plus I owe you one for stopping Wing flying guy from robbing Pepper." she mentioned, smiling. "Besides, I kinda liked being watched by you."

The girl coughed lowly before answering her vibrating phone. Saphira stepped away, sending Peter a warm smile. "Yeah, yeah. Dad I know, I will text him. Okay, bye."

He couldn't really hear much of her conversation, just that it was her father. "Sorry about that Spidey." Saphira sighed.

"Do you have to go?" he asked with a hint of nervousness.

"No, that was just my dad wanting to know when my friend Peter is stopping by." she mentioned rolling her eyes.

"Who is Peter?" he asked. He could tell she didn't really want to touch the subject.

The Perks of Being A Stark • Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now