Chapter 1 (which is somewhat the prologue)

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Third Person Pov.

She stared at the tiled ceiling for 15 minutes. She didn't do anything, she didn't move, she didn't think, she just stared up at the ceiling not moving.

She could feel that something was different. She didn't know what. Something just felt off. She could feel a knot and churning in her stomach along with something else, she just couldn't tell what it was.

Finally giving up on trying to figure out what it was and what was causing it, she forced herself to sit up.

Her back felt stiff like she hadn't used it in months or had slept on a concrete floor without anything under her. She felt weaker, like she had lost muscle and weight in the time she had been sleeping. What had happened to her?

But she didn't stay like that just thinking about how her body had felt just by sitting up. Instead she swung her feet off the side of the bed and let them dangle. Her legs looked longer.

Grabbing the hand rail of the bed she slowly pushed herself into standing position. It automaticly felt like her knees where going to buckle under her. She would have defently fallen if it weren't for the bed's handrailing. Why were her legs so weak? How long was she asleep? She took little baby steps before finally gaining her balance and ability to step back. She knew she couldn't run but she could walk. but she would have to take it easy.

It was at this moment she finally took in the room she was in. It was a hospital room. There was an IV in her arm and a heart moniter on her finger. But she knew that if she took it off an alarm would probably go off so instead of taking the out IV and taking off the Heart montiter she grabbed the rolling pole with all that stuff on it and started to walk leaning on to pole and using it to help her walk easier.

She looked around the room and noticed all the colorful gifts that were left, the flowers, and the stuff animals. She noticed how she wasn't in a hospital gown but instead in her normal clothes, a tshirt and jeans. Weird.

She finally noticed a Mirror hanging on the wall and walked to it. What she saw surpriced her.

Her brownish black hair was longer and was styled in beach waves. She was taller and skinnier. She was different.

How long was she asleep?

It was at this moment she ripped out the IV and took off the heart moniter in frustration. Something was wrong and this was NOT helping, the constent beeping of the heart moniter bugged her like hell. No alarm started after she pulled the things off, which surpriced her.

She looked at the door and opened it and stepped out into the hallway. She was greated with the blueish grey hallways of Avengers tower. A welcoming and familiar sight to her which she was grateful for.

She turned her head looking, left, right, and then left again. No one. So she walked to the right and walked towards the elevator. She was in the medical wing of the tower.

She pressed the up button and waited for the elevator to come. And when it did she stepped in and pushed the button with the Avenger's symbol on it. As the door closed she closed her eyes and listened to the elevator music, ACDC, still the same Tony. Loving Rock music and playing non-traditional music in the elevator.

Finally the elevator door dinged open. And she walked into the main room of Avenger's Tower.

The room was practically full. All the J.As were on the coach and floor playing Mario cart. Bruce Banner was at the kitchen Island reading the Daily Budgle. Hawkeye and Quicksilver were thumb wrestling it out on the other coach and weren't paying attention to anything. Tony was refeering the thumb match. And all the Women were in the kitchen cooking a traditional Avenger family dinner. Which concisted of about 30 meals.

Non of them noticed her.

It was only until Pepper turned round away from the counter to pour the cup of flour into a bowl behind her on the island did she get noticed.

"JARVIS! Did you get the." Pepper started turning around just mid sentence. The glass measuring cup full of baking flour she was holding slipped out of her hand and shattered on the floor sending flour along with chips of glass everywhere. This is what captured everyone's attention.

The thumb wrestling stopped. The Mario Cart game paused. And The newspaper was put down. No one dared to speak. They just all stood frozen. Not daring to speck or move as soon as they saw what Pepper had dropped the measuring cup at.

Tony was the first one to get up and see if it really was her.

He stood up from his place on the couch and the thumb wrestling match and walked over to her. He looked her in the eye and couldn't believe the sight in front of him. It was her, and she was awake.

"Taylor..." he stuttered still not believing this.

"Hey dad..." Taylor chuckled back.

Hey guys!!!! How long as it been? 2 weeks? 3? Either way! Here is the first chapter! ( I wonder how long it will take you guys to notice I posted.) now i will not be updating this book as quickly as I would like. I have a deal with my parents that if I have all As by April 30th I can go to a midnight showing of Avengers 2! Yay! So I hope u enjoyed the chapter!

More will be Comin2u soon!

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