Chapter 3

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Taylor's Pov.

I easily and quickly got to my room to find all the J.A's setting down gifts.

I don't know how but Jill either senced me, heard, me or smelled me as I came in.

"TAYLLORRRDD!!!!" She squiriched before dropping a bag she was holding and running over to me and hugging me VERY tightly.

"Jilll...." I strained back.

Everyone else put down what they were doing and walked over to me.

After Jill let me go Syd came up next.

We smiled and hugged each other before saying hello.

Next was Riley. I knew her but I hadn't for very long though but I still felt the need to hug her.

After her was Alva.

"Please don't tell me your an adaptoid..." I joked with her.

"I hope not." she replied gratefully before hugging me.

Dustin came next.

"Lighting Boy!" I greeted him.

"Weapon teleporting girl!" He created back smiling at me raising his arms in a what's up kind of way.

I chuckled and moved on to Pym.

"Hey Pym." I stated

"Hey Stark." he replied back.

Next came Tess and she came running up to hug me.

"Tess!" I greater her as I hugged her tightly, "your so much bigger! how old are you now?"

"13. I'm about to go into 8th grade." she replied, "I missed you Taylor!"

"I missed you too..." I answered back.

FInally I turned to James. He was standing towards the back of the group and had his hands stuffed into his pockets. He looked older almost 17 or 18. I probably did too.

I walked over to him before smiling and saying hello, "Hey James..."

He looked up at me with his piercing blue eyes and stared right into mine, "Hey Tay..." he mumbled.

I could sence the tenction between us, he didn't want to make the wrong move and lose me. I knew that for sure, this was James, he wanted to be a gentlemen like his father. But I couldn't handle this, so I took the first step.

First I slapped him hard, "that's for not saying hello!" I hissed

He grabbed his cheek cupping it not believing what I just did.

Next I grabbed him by the collar of his t-shirt and pulled him towards me quickly bring him in for a kiss.

He barely had time to react. By the time he reliezed what was going on our lips were already together.

I held him like that for a good 5 seconds before letting go of his collar and pulling back.

"And that's for everything else," I spoke softly.

James stood wide eyed just looking at me in shock. He was not expecting me to do this.

And apparently non of the other JAs were either! When I turned around all the JAs were gapping at me eyes wide. They all knew me and James had chemistry but they didn't expect me to jump like this. I truly was my father's daughter.

"What? Never had a crush before?" I asked the group raising an eye.


(Third person pov.)

Meanwhile somewhere in the world evil was stirring. And it was on the mutant island of Genosha.

Magneto stood in front of the two ceils that contained the two mutants to which he could use to his leverage. Thomas and William Maximoff. His grandsons.

He knew his daughter and son hated him. they had every right to. But that did not stop him from trying to make connections with them. And every time he failed. He had yet to meet his granddaughter formally, he had only gotten glimpses of her in his battles with the x-men.

But now they would have to talk to him. Wanda would have to save her sons. But in that time he would use them to destroy mankind. Mutants were not excepted. There would be a war, whither or not the avengers could stop it.

Thomas was in one ceil and William was in the other. The white haired one of the pair (aka Thomas) was running franticlly around his ceil trying to get out. He was trapped. The Black haired one (aka William) was trying to use his powers to brake out of his ciel and into Thomas's, and without luck.

Magneto smirked, he would win this war, he had the resources at his fingertips, all he needed were their weaknesses.

HEY GUYS! Happy Saturday! So yes! Magneto is the villian! DId you see that coming!?

Ok but I need your guys help! I'm thinking of doing a book of oneshots for this universe! Like one on Alva being found in the streets of asgard. Or James trying to seek revenge on Loki after Taylor gets put in the Coma?

I need at least 4 comments supporting this to do it! Thanks Y'all!

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