Chapter 13

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Taylor's pov.

I watched as Magneto bended the walls to wrap around the boys to keep them still while he put trackers around their ankles and shockers too so that if they tried to escape they would get electricuted.

After he finished that he finally opened the ceil doors and let them out.

William took it slowly and looked very cautious as he stepped out, he didn't trust us. He put one foot in front of the other, he looked at us, he was like a piece of prey coming out of it's home, one wrong move, or to far from the nest would mean death. Thomas took a different route.

Thomas bolted out of the ceil trying to make an escape, as soon as he did the shocker sent a pulse of electricity through him, and it wasn't an light voltage. It was one so big it caused Thomas to let out a loud, "UGH!" even before he tripped in pain and did a few sumersaults and barrel rolls until he finally came to a stop.

"Tommy!" William yelled as he ran over to his brother who was slowly trying to get up. William gave his brother a hand, helping him get up.

At this point I cracked, I couldn't just stay still and watch anymore, I had to do something, I was not heartless. So I jogged over to the two to help.

"Are you ok?" I asked Thomas as I come closer.

"Ya, sure, if you call ok being shocked with a few hundred volts of electricity," he grunted lending heavily on his brother.

William glared as me as I came closer and Thomas nugged him and lowly whispered, "Calm down Billy..."

I looked between the two brothers and reliezed they had a VERY close bond, probably from being through so much together, they only had each other. By this time I had noticed that the others had started walking over and Magneto had disappeared.

"I'm Taylor by the way," I introduced myself to the two.

"I'm Tommy and this is my brother Billy," Thomas introduced himself and his brother.

I nodded in greeting and smiled trying to be friendly.

AZ walked up first, "I'm Azar but call me AZ, the black haired one is my twin brother Maz, the other black haired one with black charred fingers is Ken and the last girl is Amaka," she introduced as she pointed to each person when she said their name, "I'm the team leader along with Ken... Welcome."

Billy nodded back and Tommy did the same.

"How about we head back to the tower?" I asked, "I'll help you Billy." I walked over to the other side of Tommy and looped his arm over my shoulder letting him lean on me as well and Billy who gave me a grateful nod.

It took a while but we slowly but surely managed to get Tommy back to the elevator and up to the couch in the team's living room. Everyone else but me went to their rooms, non of them really wanted to talk with the Twins.

"So...." I spoke as I sat down across from the two brothers, Billy had of course decided to sit next to Tommy.

"So what?" Tommy spat, "You don't have to be friendly to us if you don't want to."

"Maybe I want to be nice to you... and it's not because you're my new teammates, it's because I want to," I remarked.

Billy looked at me when I said this, his eyes softening, I was gaining his trust, slowly though.

"So... how did Magneto get you to come to the island?" Tommy asked, "Kidnapped you too?"

I shock my head no, "No actually, I came here because two of my cousins were kidnapped, I'm the only other mutant in my family so I volenteered to come find them and talk to them and see if they were forced here or came on their own free will."

"Really?" Billy asked, he had quickly became intrested.

"Ya, well technecilly they aren't my cousins, Their mother is REALLY importent to my family so we consider them family, actually that is my family, a bunch of really close people, my only real relatives are my dad, my step-mom, so she's not really related to me by blood I think, and my unborn half sibling," I explained.

"Wow, must be a really close knit family," Billy remarked.

"You have no idea... Actually I need to call them, I can facetime them but not put the video up if you want to see them," I offered.

"That would be awesome," Tommy beamed.

I chuckled and ran and grabbed my computer and plopped down in the middle of the two.

"Alright, I can't wait till you guys see their reactions," I chuckled as I opened Facetime and clicked on the Jarvis contact which was the direct line to the team's Ipad that someone was always using. I shut off the video real quick before someone answered.

Billy and Tommy state quietly waiting while the computer rang.

"Hello?" answered a girl's voice, the image pixeladed for a few seconds before Tess fully appeared.

"Hey Tess!" I replied, "I'm here with two of my new friends Tommy and Billy!" I automatically said this so ,that no one brought up the topic of the mission.

"TAYLOR!" she squeeled. Billy and Tommy automatically chuckled and laughed at this high pitch cheer.

"DID I HEAR TAYLOR!?" asked another voice in the background which was followed by someone else saying," Taylor's on the line!?" which was ultimately followed by like 6 more faces filling up the view of the camera.

"Hey guys!" I chuckled in greeted upon seeing everyone struggle to get in the camera's view.

"Why Can't we see you Tay!?" asked Tess as she put on her pouting face.

I raised an eye at Billy and Tommy asking them silently if I could put on the video and they nodded. I smirked and pressed the camera button and I automatically knew they could see me when smiles covered everyones' face.

"Guys this is Tommy and Billy!" I troduced the two to my family which resulted in a choruses of Hellos, "Tommy, Billy, this is Tess, James, Pym, Syd, Riley, Dustin, and Alva!" Everyone waved when I said their name. No one mentioned that Tommy and Billy looked like Thomas and William or that they even were them.

"So how's it going over there Taylor!?" Syd asked.

"It's really good!" I replied putting on a smile, I didn't know if there were cameras around.

"Have you thought of any good books for me!?" Alva requested.

"Umm... Well there is the Illiad, but you should try some of William Shakespere's books, I never liked them because I could never understand them," I answered.

"I bet she could!" Riley joked.

I chuckled at this. I could see Billy and Tommy smiling out of the corners of my eyes and I smiled too.

"Meet any cute boys?" Syd asked and I blushed VERY deeply, I could see James's face so red and his eyes widen in horror.

"Syd...." I groaned, "Why would you even ask that?"

"Because! I like to screw with James here!" she explained nudging James with her elbow.

I groaned again. Billy and Thomas were VERY confused.

"James here is my..." I sighed pausing.

"Boyfriend," Riley broke in.

At the same time we and James yelled, "She's not my Girlfriend," "He's not my boyfriend!"

This caused everyone but me and James to burst out laughing.

"It's not funny!" we yelled again at the same time which caused everyone to keep laughing.

Finally I got tired of it.

"IF YOU DON"T STOP LAUGHING I'M GOING TO HANG UP!" I threatened which caused everyone to shut up.

"You won't dare!" Syd exclaimed.

"Oh I would!" I replied back.

"Taylor... you are a cruel and mean person." Jill hissed.

I chuckled and smirked, I truly was.

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