Chapter 16

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Taylor's Pov.

"Magneto is our grandfather!?" Tommy cried, his eyes wide in surprice and confusion as the news and info I had told them finally sunk in. 

I nodded not saying anything, I couldn't afford to have him bolt and run away just to get shocked again by the tracker on his ankle, that would not be good. 

"Why didn't he tell us then?" Billy asked in a calm and understanding tone. The news hadn't really sunk in for him yet, he was still doubting what I had told the two.

"Probably because you wouldn't believe him, and he knew you two would be enraged and it would force you to runaway or join his side, he wasn't sure, so he wanted to keep it secret until you guys had fully invested in his cause, and he probably thought the best way to earn your trust was through putting you on this team to make you feel welcome," I answered trying to explain the answer/solution I had come up with. 

"So what do we do now?" Billy inquired as he sighed deeply finally excepting the information I had told him. 

I took in a deep breath before answering his question, "Now we have to wait... I need to contact my family and tell them that I found you guys, once I tell them they will come up with a plan along with SHEILD. But we may be stuck here and not leave for another week or two," I responded trying to keep a calm flat voice. 

"Two weeks!?" Tommy exclaimed, "How do you expect us to wait two weeks!?" 

"I don't!" I snapped back,"But I'm not incharge of the mission, I have no control."

My snapping shut Tommy up quickly allowing me to get in a few more words before he could start ranting again. 

"Tommy... I don't know yet, I have to call my dad and find out, But as I've said I don't know when we are getting out of here and I'm not in charge of the mission so we have to wait," I explained once again using a flat and calm voice. 

Tommy sighed finally giving in though he seemed quite relunctent. 

"You guys should go back to your room... We can talk more tomorrow..." I suggested and the twins nodded before walking to my door and leaving. 

I sighed heavily once they had gone and went to call my dad to discover my phone was dead. There would be no calling of the parents tonight. I plugged my phone in before brushing my teeth and climbing into bed and falling asleep to the sound of dead silence. 


I woke up the next morning around 8:30 which wasn't to late but it wasn't exactly early. I got up and changed into Batman sweatpants from Hot Topic and a Doctor Who t-shirt I had also gotten from Hot Topic before heading to the teams'main floor.

When the elevators opened I walked into the kitchen to see Ken, AZ, and Billy up and talking with each other and just laughing over something one of them had said, it had the feel of a regular morning in avenger's tower. 

"Morning guys," I yawned as I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the giant carton of chocolate milk they had. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard behind me and I poared myself a glass of the chocolate milk into a mug.

"Morning, Good to see your not a late raiser like the other three people who have yet to wake!" AZ greeted referncing to Maz, Amaka, and Tommy. 

I thought of it for a moment before realizing they did seem like people who would sleep till noon if they could, AZ too if I though of it. 

"So what are we doing today?" I asked as I sat down at the kitchen isle which had 5 bar seats on one side. 

Ken spoke up this time, "Well since you, Tommy, and Billy are new we thought we should do a training section and see your powers," he suggested. 

I nodded understanding what he was getting at, the JAs would have probably done the same with me, actually, they did in a weird way when I had my final test. 

"Alright," I replied as I gulped down the mug of chocolate milk, slammed the mug on the table careful not to crack it and stood up, "Lets go!" 

"Not right now Taylor," Ken chuckled,"We have to wait for the other three to wake up."

I blushed lightly getting a little embaressed and sat back down slowly pulling the bar seat close to the island. 

"So... what else are we going to do today?" I asked, "Besides the training, because there is no way in hell that I'm training all day." 

This time AZ answered after everyone chuckled at my responce, "I was thinking after we train me and Amaka could take you downtown to the shopping center," she suggested, "Billy, you and Tommy can come too if you want!" she spoke looking at the single of the pair, "That way you can get some stuff to settle in or something." 

Billy nodded raising his eyebrows up into a traingle shape, "Sure, but we don't exactly have any money..." 

AZ chuckled and waved him off, "You really think we pay for everything? Everyone in this building is a top dog of the city, we are basically the Avengers of Genosha, we get everything we want and putting under Magneto's name!" 

I froze for a second when I heard the avengers mentioned but it only lasted less then a second so no one noticed. 

Billy glanced over at me quickly and nodded, "Alright."

I smiled and nodded. 

It was at this moment the elevator dingged and the doors slid open to reveal Amaka who was wearing light grey sweats and had VERY BAD bed hair. 

"Morning!" we all greeted in union at her trying not to notice the bed hair. 

"Morning," she grunted back as she poured herself a cup of coffee and started to sip it slowly from the mug not noticing any of our stares at her.

She was not a morning person.

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