Chapter 10

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Taylor's pov.

I stood across from A.Z smirking as the whistle blew. As soon as it did I saw A.Z do the same thing she did last time.

She slammed her right hand down to the ground kneeling on her right knee. Smoke quickly rolled out from under hand and surronding the sparring mat.

The thickest and blackest of the smoke surronded me as I stood still and waited for her to come at me.

I couldn't see through the smoke, everyonce in a while I would see movement through the fog like smoke.

By this moment I had quickly relized how the girl before me had lost so fast. A.Z. worked in the dark, and she worked fast, unlike her most of us didn't. She used her opponent's disability against them. And if I moved then she would fill the change in the smoke. She was a mutant who could manipulate smoke, smoke was her being, her life blood.

I wiggled my fingers smirking.

I felt the smoke starting the shift, the blackness was moving away from me and the smoke was evening out.

That's when I caught sight of A.Z. running towards me. She was running towards me like those people do in anime, with their arms flying behind them.

As soon as she got within 5 feet of me she jumped into the air, doing a back flip and coming down straight towards me, her right foot leading.

I quickly rolled out of the way dodging the attack by inches as her foot came down.

Taking this chance I kicked my feet around tripping her off her own feet and making her fall to the ground on her back.

I got up as soon as I knocked her down, and so did she.

She threw as punch at my face, and I bended backwards planting my hands on the ground and flipping back over using my right foot to hook on her jaw and push her back.

She quickly grabbed her jaw holding it where I hit her as I got back on my feet and put my hands up in a fighting position.

She rolled her jaw cracking it back into place. She rolled some saliva around in her mouth before spilting it to the side, there were a few drops of blood but not a lot. She looked back at me an erge to kill me in her eyes.

She ran at me again, this time not going easy. She threw a punch towards my gut which I instanty hit way with a karate chop down on her arm as she threw it at me.

She continued to throw punches at me, which I blocked which my own motions. I didn't even realize that the smoke disappeared and we were still locked in hand to hand combat, I didn't realize that 10 minutes had pass. I only realized it when Ken blew the whistle.

"END MATCH!" he yelled after he had blown the whistle.

Me and A.Z. stopped immediately as soon as we heard the whistle, we stood frozen. I was in defencive mode at the moment. So A.Z. had to pull her hands way before I stood up and looked over at Ken. Both of us had beads of sweat rolling down our face and body.

Ken looked over to A.Z. who nodded at him, and she didn't look happy that she had to give that nod. Ken chuckled, and closed his eyes, putting his thumb and index finger on them. He was laughing like he couldn't believe it.

"Taylor... Congrats, you are the first ever mutant to be brand new to the island and be able to last against A.Z here for a good 10 minutes without getting a bloody nose or anything. You are the first mutant to have never gone through one of our mutant training camps and make it," Ken spoke and explained while he still chuckled.

"And that means?" I asked panting a little. That 10 minute section had worn me out.

"It means you made it... Welcome to the M-group."

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