Chapter 23

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Third Person Pov. Year 5

Taylor walked into the underground base of the resistance. She took off her helmet that she wore when fighting out in public against the Chitari that now roomed New York and worked as Loki's police.

She wasn't known by Arma anymore, now she was Fighter one of the last heroes still fighting against Loki.

James had become Soldier and fought along side Taylor. They were now an unbreakable team.

They walked into the main room together where the other heroes were hanging out.

Alva was talking with Dustin who had his right arm wrapped over Riley's shoulder and were in the kitchen. The two were now an official couple and if the world was normal they would probably be getting married in a year, but the world was anything but normal.

Pym was talking with Jill and they sat on the couch next to the 45 inch tv they had set up to get all tv messages the avengers sent out.

Az and Maz were having a twin battle with Tommy and Billy.

The JAs were no more, they were now the Avengers.

For the past 5 years since Loki had taken over the word they had fought and fought with all their might. They protected who they could and saved what they could, but they never rebelled against Loki. They weren't strong enough, and they probably never would be.

That was when the TV flickered on and drew everyones attention. All of the new avengers fell silent. The TV only turned on when 'Lord Loki' wanted to broadcast something. That wasn't all that often. They knew this was important.

The black screen filled with the face of Loki, he was smiling a devious smile and had a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

"Hello my subjects!" he chimed, "I have a special treat for you all today!"

The room was silent as the lord moved out of the way to show was the treat was.

Pictured on the TV screen were 13 people in shackles, all wearing depowering collars and bounded in chains of vibranium. They had their heads down, the camera not able to see their eyes, and before them was a gun.

This was an execution.

Loki stepped back into the frame and stood before the bounded people, a smirk still hanging on his face.

"On today's execution list we have..." he bent down and grabbed the one on the far left by the hair and forced them to look up, "Tony Stark!"

Taylor gasped as this and almost flung herself at the tv screen, only James held her back.

Loki moved onto the next person, this time a women with strawberry red hair.

"Pepper Virgina Stark!"

Taylor's eyes were now filling with tears.

Loki moved onto the next person a little 4 year old girl with light brown hair, Taylor knew who this was in an instant.

"And who is this!? Why it's little Eternity Taylor Stark!"

This was Taylor's sister. 

Taylor let the tears roll down her cheeks and buried her head into James chest who tried to comfort her.

Loki let the little girl's hair go and moved on to the next people.

First the Black Widow, then Captain America followed the Starks which caused James to hug Taylor tighter.

The Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Bruce Banner came next.

Henry and Janet Pym aka the Wasp and Ant-man, Clint Barton, and Bobbi Morse, aka Hawkeye and Mockingbird, and finally Thor.


Then there was one shot of the gun before the TV could be turned off.

Oh my god!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! I mean... AHHHH!!! I didn't not expect this book to end like this!!!! What have I done!?

Either way.... AHHHHH!!!! All that's left is the epilogue now!!!

Last time you guys were 1 short of 5 comments!!! And that was on Monday!!! Dudes!!! You could have gotten this chapter like a week ago!

So this time in order to get the epilogue I want 3 comments!!!!

Either way... AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

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