Chapter 8

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Taylor's Pov.

After the boat pulled into the dock all of us were herded off the boat and on to the dock. Delilah was next to me and was shaking out of fear.

We were lead up into the island and were stoped at what looked to be the entrance to an amuzement park, you know where they look at your ticket and you go through that turning thing that counts how many people come in and out of the park.

But instead of the turning wheels were scanners like thoses ones at airport security!

YA... Weird...

The people forced us through the scanners and pricked us with a needle to get our blood and make for sure we were mutants. They were allowing NO humans. After that they categorized us by our ability and age.

After me and Delilah had been cleared they herded us inside a theater.

we were forced to sit down in the auditorium and wait a good 10 minutes. Finally HE came.

Magneto opened a hole in the metal roof and floated in looking and acting all majestic.

The hole closed behind him and the lights dimmed leaving only a spot light on the Jew.

"Welcome fellow Mutants! I am Eric Maximoff! Also known as Magneto! I am the founder of this great city of Genosha! A city for mutants!" He boasted as he floated down to the ground slowly.

As he landed he took his helmet off of his head letting his white hair flow and fall down and frame his face.

"I welcome you to your new home," he spoke.

New home!?

I could hear muttering behind me. Non of them thought they were being forced to live here.

Delilah's eyes widened and she gripped my arm.

" Yes yes, you all heard me right. Genosha is now your home. It is open to you with open arms! You can come and go as you please but the island is not open to non mutants." he explained.

This caused an upriot of protests.

Half the people here had normal family back home. Me and Delilah weren't the only ones.

Magneto ignored the boos.

"Genosha is not like other places. Here we all pitch in our part and other things. You all will grow into what you sign up for. Whether it be a guard or an artist. It is all up to you. After I let you go you all will be lead into the hallway which has multiple doors to different conference rooms. Each room represents a different part of the jobs in Genosha. The Weapons and Attack group is responsible for the guarding and protection of Genosha and its citizens. The arts and Literature section is where mutants will embrace their abilities and translate it into art. There are many other areas but those are just a few." he stated.

I looked and watched the guy as he explained the structure of the island. I was most defiantly going to the guard section. Best bet to see William and Thomas.

Magneto let us go and we all flocked into the hallway and to our parts.

"So Taylor, where are you going?" Delilah asked me.

"Weapons and Attack, I'm not one for entertainment," I answered.

Delilah nodded in agreement, "Same. I think I could do good there, plus I think I would be a good tracker."

We walked into the conference room which was massive. All around us were stations. one was labeled tracking which Delilah bolted towards. There were tables labeled, Weapon defense, spies, specialists, operatives. It was basically a mutant version of SHIELD.

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