Chapter 4

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Taylor's Pov.

I turned around to look at my group as soon as I stopped kissing James. They were all gagging at me.

"What? Never had a crush?" I spoke to them.

They were all still gapping well everyone execpt for Riley who was smirking.

"Well if she can make the first move then so can I!" she stated before turning to Dustin who was next to her and kissing him full on before letting go.

Dustin was shocked he just stared at Riley.

Alva was too. This was her big brother! She won't just let anyone have him.

I desided to step in here, because if I didn't their would be a chick fight between a speed powered mutant and a trained asgardian sorcerror. NOT GOOD.

I jumped inbetween the two just as Alva started to reach for the sword that was strapped to her back.

"Ok! No fighting on my first day back! Please! I do not want my friends' blood spilled all over my gifts," I stated pushing the two away from each other, "Why don't just open gifts then Alva and RIley can fight over Dustin in the training room!" I suggested.

"Fine..." they both huffed.

Dustin raised his eyebrows at me as if saying, 'are you really promising them this?'

"Alright! Bring me the presents!" I demanded as I hopped up onto my bed and sat down waiting to open presents.

"I see you haven't changed at all Taylor!" Syd chuckled at me.

I stuck my tongue out at her in reply and she rolled her eyes.

James finally snapped out of it and walked over and grabbed a stack of comic books and set them right in front of me.

"Here are all the Thor comic books that had come out and that you have missed," he stated as he layed them out.

"Sweet! Now I can binge read them!" I marveled.

"That exactly what he thought you would do," Syd chucked.

"Now tell me EVERYTHING I've missed!," I demanded from the group. Ok I really loved this, they all missed me so much they are treating me like a queen!

"Well daredevil came out and so did the second avengers," Riley started.

"Aka Jessica Jones too." Jill put in.

"I finally beat my brother here in a fight," Tess smirked as she pointed to James.

"And I got the possiblity of one day becoming the goddess of magic," Alva interuppeted.

"I learned how to turn giant like my dad," Pym added into the mix.

"Anything else?" I questioned them. I wanted to know everything.

"Umm.... Pepper's Pregnant?" Syd stated.

"Already knew that," I replied.

"Alright then, how about we go and play mario cart?" Syd suggested.

"Ok, But give me a few minutes I need to check a few things." I answered.

Everyone nodded and left the room. Well everyone besides James.

"What do you want James? Do you want to tell me that you think I'm rushing it and that you don't want to push me since I just came out of a Coma. If you are going to tell me that I don't want to hear it," I stated as I turned and walked into my closet to pick out a new outfit. I was still in my coma clothes.

"Um... Hell no." He responded.

I froze.

"What?" I questioned him turning around to look at my crush.

"Taylor... I've waited a year for you to wake up so I could kiss you again. I couldn't bare the thought of losing you Taylor. I don't care if you kissed me in front of everyone, I swear your dad has our first kiss in the elevator on video and is waiting to blackmail me. But I love you Taylor. One action or a year apart can't change that," James explained to me.

I stood wide eye just staring at him. He actually loved me. It wasn't a 6th grade crush or something. It was real.

"You're not joking?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

"Why the heck do you think I would joke about something like this Taylor?" James replied.

I sighed and looked into his ice blue eyes. This was real, and probably totally worth the year long coma.


(3rd Person Pov.)

Meanwhile somewhere above the atlantic ocean and far up in the sky flew the helicarrier.

Yes it was still intact and in service, something both the avengers and SHIELD were grateful for.

Inside one of the confrence rooms in the helicarrier sat the Scarlet Witch along with Quicksilver and his daughter Riley. Riley sat next to her aunt but as far away from her father as possible, she did not want to be anywhere near him, not after what he had done.

"Why did you call us here Fury?" Quicksilver asked looking at Nick Fury trying to ignore the death glare his own daughter was giving him.

Fury, who held a projector remote in his hand pressed a button on it and the lights in the room went black. On the wall a picture appeared. The picture contained two boys who looked almost the exact same, except for the difference in hair color. Black and White.

The boy with black hair was floating above the ground and his hands were in a spell casting position and had blue light around them. The white haired twin had white glasses on and looked to be running, behind him was a blur of white and green.

"I know them..." Riley stated upon seeing them, "In the battle with Loki last year, I had a speed fight with the white haired one."

Fury nodded, "I thought you would. These boys here are William and Thomas," he started before pausing for a few seconds, "Maximoff."

The three other Maximoffs in the room froze in shock at the names. But the Scarlet Witch was affected by this the most.

Everyone knew the story of her sons. Years ago when the Scalret Witch was married to the Vision they desprity wanted child. So using her reality altering powers the Scarlet Witch was able to bare children, two twin boys. The two were happy until 11 years ago when the boys were 5. Avenger's Mansion was attacked and it was discovered the boys were allusions created by the Scarlet Witch, who was later deamed mentally unstable.

This lead to the event which caused friction between Quicksilver and Riley.

It was around this time that Riley was given full custody to her Aunt who sent her to the x-men, Wanda was to afraid at the time that Riley would be under bad influence with her.

It took 8 years before Wanda was deemed stabled again and returned to superhero work.

No one ever spoke of the disapperence of the two boys. It was to hard on the group. But when Wanda was 'unstable' she aways said that the boys weren't just an illusion, that they were alive and out their somewhere. This proved it.

"Where are they!?" Wanda questioned Fury who looked at the three Maximoffs with sadness in his eyes.

"Magneto has them..." Fury replied.

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