Chapter 21

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Taylor's POV. Hour 6

Ken was tackled and pinned to the ground by a blue and white blur that slowly transformed from a speeding blur into the form of Riley.

"Riley!" I exclaimed jumping up and running over to the glass that separated me from the others.

Riley snapped her head up whipping her bleach blond hair back and out of her face and looked at me. The speedster was in her superhero outfit and had her cyclops style glasses on.

"Taylor!" she smiled at me.

Before she could say anymore AZ pushed Riley in the jaw throwing her off of Ken.

"Get off my friend!" Az hissed.

Riley tumbled to her right side and put her hand over the left side of her jaw.

"OW!" she exclaimed.

"That was for attacking my teammate," Az spat at her.

"Guys! Stop!" I pleaded.

Suddenly Amaka stated to float in the air.

"What is happening!?" she screamed as she was lifted a foot into the air.

Then a yellow light which was about 2 inches tall and flying started firing blasts of bright energy at Maz's butt.

"OW!" he yelled as he tried to run away.

That was when I realized what was happening. The JA's were coming for me.

That was when I saw the HoloShield James always used.

It hit against the glass my ceil shattering it in a instant.

I Shielded myself from the flying glass using my arms and hands to protect my head.

I took my head out of my arms and looked out to see James, standing like the hero he was, Jill on one side, Syd on the other.

Behind them Alva, Pym, Riley, and Dustin were fighting with my other teammates.

"Taylor?" James asked.

"James?" I asked back as I slowly stood up from my crutching position.

"Taylor!" exclaimed Jill and she ran and pulled me into a bear hug.

"Jill!" I breath out in agony from being held so tightly.

Suddenly she was pulled away from me by Maz.

"Maz! Stop!" I screamed at him as I watched him fling my friend into a wall.

I saw Syd run over to Maz and tackled him.

James ran over to me and projected another holo shield and put it in front of the two of us.

Syd joined us behind the shield. 

"What should we do?" She questioned as James deflected energy blasts coming from Ken's missed shots at Riley. 

"I need you to make everyone stop fighting!" I answered, I didn't want any of my friends getting hurt. 

I saw Tommy and William trying to protect the others but it wasn't working all that well without their powers. 

"Syd! Use your powers! We need to make them stop!" I commanded. 

She nodded before taking in a deep breath and shouting out, "STOP FIGHTING!"

Everyone in the room who was fighting stopped frozen in their positions. 

Alva had Amaka lifted up in the air and Amaka was mid ice blast at the Asgardian. Dustin was in front of Alva his sword up ready to cut through the ice and defend his cousin. 

Jill had her right hand buried in one of her powder pockets that held a bag of flour and Maz in front of her was forming a rain cloud to turn the powders she through at him wet. 

Ken was fighting with Riley trying to hit her with his lighting which was flying everywhere because he kept missing.

Mean was meanwhile trying to hit Az and had had no luck. 

Thomas was watching Riley's every move and William was watching Alva's

Now every  single one of them was frozen in their poses. 

"Stand straight and listen!" dictated Syd. 

Everyone listened and looked at her. 

"Syd!" Pym wined, "I thought you promised not to use your voice control thingy on us!" 

Syd glared at him and I answered for Syd. 

"She has a right to Pym when you guys won't stop fighting! And even when it's for no reason!" I hissed at the boy. 

"Good to see you haven't changed," he mumbled. 

I smirked and crossed my arms over my chest in satisfaction. 

James walked over and stood next to me smiling, "I agree." 

I smiled but I quickly dropped it and turned to the Mutants of Genosha. I walked over to Az and stood before her. 

"Magneto is the villain here," I stated. 

Az looked at me and nodded. 

I turned to Syd and nodded at her and she dropped all control she had on everyone. 

It was at this moment Az sprung at me and we rolled across the floor tumbling around. 

I tussled with her grateful that no one decided to join in. 

Finally I pinned her down and teleported one of my vibranium daggers to my hand. 

"AZ! Stop! I know your mad but I need you to listen to me!" I demanded spitting somewhat in her face.

She froze at me yelling at her like that. I never yelled. 

"Magneto is the villain here! He is building an army! Just like the one Loki built, only stronger! Now do you want to be apart of that army or join me and the JAs and beat that bastard!" I yelled at her.

Az looked at me not knowing what to say. Then she nodded. 

I sighed in relief and stood up brushing the dust off of my clothes before turning to my fellow JAs.

I smiled at the smirk on Jill's and Syd's face and the proud smile that James's face held. 

I nodded and we all walked into the elevator together along with the Mutants of Genosha. 

That was when horror struck. 

As the doors of the elevator opened the color grey and destruction hit our eyes. Every building in Genosha had crumbled to the ground. And in the middle of the scene stood Loki and Magneto, standing above fallen Avengers.

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