Chapter 2

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Taylor's Pov

I looked straight into my dad's eyes and he looked straight back into mine. Neither of us dared to say a word. Well eventually I did. Of course I had to brake the silence after a while, it was just getting weird in a room full of normally loud people to fall silent.

"Um.... why do you guys all look so tense to see me?" I asked raising my eyebrow at the sight and sound of the silent room. "There isn't a sword to my back right guys?"

Everyone stayed silent until Jill burst out laughing.

"That's your reaction?! That's her reaction!?" She laughed like crazy, "one year in a coma and she wakes up and automatically thinks that her life is being threatened and that everything is normal about that!"

I lifted an eyebrow at her.

What was this Coma she was talking about? And then it hit me.

The battle with Loki, Tess almost being killed, me battling Loki one on one, and... oh god... me getting stabbed. All the memories hit me. Seeing the tip of the spear through my stomach, collaping in my father's arms, and.... then blackness.

I started to wobble and my head started to hurt and my vision blurred. I cringed my eyes trying to make the headaches stop along with my blurring vision, no luck. I wobbled around even more. I wasn't able to stand still, I was like a boat in water.

Black dots speckled my vision. Then I felt myself falling. And it went dark.

The next thing I remembered was waking up to the sound of my name being called.

"Taylor Taylor?!" Yelled the voice in my ear. It was familiar they shook me back-and-forth trying to wake me up I remember that. The next thing I remember seeing was my dad standing over me along with a random guy with black curly hair.. Everyone was huddled behind them.

A bright lights were shown into my eyes causing me to flinch and cringe at the sudden light.

"Ok. She's good." Spoke an unfamiliar voice. I looked at the man who had the voice and stood next to my dad. He wore dorky glasses a green button up shirt and had Black hair with streaks of gray in it. I quickly recognized it as Dr. Bruce Banner.

"Taylor?" My dad asked looking and me taking the spot of Dr. Banner.

"ugh. How long was I out?" I muttered.

"Less then 5 minutes..." Syd spoke up from somewhere, "Thank god it wasn't another year." 

"What?" I asked as I started to sit up. I felt two sets of hands help me up. It was really slow and weird but we eventually made it to the couch. "What this about another year... and I think I heard something about a coma"

Everyone froze. 

Finally Tony decided to speak up but not about that.

"Alright.... everyone out! Shew! Everyone but Pepper OUT!" Tony screamed at the group of people who were clustering around me. No one dared argued. As soon as the room was left with only Tony, Pepper, and I, Tony turned towards me.

"Taylor... what do you remember?" he asked unsure if it was a safe question or not as he sat next to me.

"I remember.... waking up in a hospital like room." I started before he cut off.

"From before waking up..." 

I started to think long and hard about this question. Then it clicked. Once again for the second time that day I remembered. The battle and the spear... me dieing. 

"I died!" I practically screamed almost crying. 

"NO! No sweety!" Pepper explained. 

"Taylor... you didn't die Kiddo... you guy got really badly injured." Tony interjected. 

"Loki stabbed me." I stated quietly. 

"Yes he did. He disappeared as soon as he stabbed you. You pasted out in my arms. As soon as you did I rushed you to the tower. You were on the verge of death... I managed to keep you alive with the help of Banner and Dr.Strange. You were just so badly injured your brain went into shock from the loss of blood and the stress on your body that you fell into a coma." Tony explained to me. 

"So I was in a Coma for a year?" I asked. 

"Ya Kiddo..." Tony answered. 

I sighed before asking another question, "What did I miss?" 

"Well the new avengers movie came out, same president, there are now about 500 avengers, your birthday along with chirstmas and Pepper is pregnant." he answered so quickly that I almost didn't catch the last one. 

"WHAT!?" I squeled, "I'm going to be a big sister?" 

Tony nodded and chuckled and Pepper smiled at my reaction. 

"How far along!?" I asked her. 

"5 months next week. I'm due in august." she replied. 

"How about we talk about this later, for now to reunite with your fellow team mates and open your gifts." my dad stated. 

I nodded before walking out the door and back towards my old room. I knew that's where Jaris had moved all my gifts to and where everyone would be. Where James would be.


HEY GUYS! SO I'm at the state tourment for science oylmpiad and decided to give you all a chapter today! Hope you enjoy!

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