Chapter 7

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Taylor's Pov.

-5 hours ago-

"Taylor... are you sure you want to do this?" James asked me as I finished packing up my duffelbag.

"Yes... I'm sure. I'm the best person to do it you know that," I responded as I zipped it shut and put the duffel over my shoulder.

"I know but that doesn't mean I'm afraid that you'll get discovered," James answered.

"I know that too James, but that doesn't mean I won't come back. I'll call every chance I get... now I have to go... Or I'll miss my boat." I replied before kissing him on the cheek, "This isn't goodbye James, As Tom Petty once said, 'You and I will meet again, When we're least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won't say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet again.'"


I was on the boat heading to genosha with a bunch of random mutants I had never meet before. I was at the front of the boat looking into the distance. I was replying me and James's goodbye in my head.

"Hello?" said a new voice next to me.

I turned my head towards the voice to see a girl with short blonde hair which was styled in a pixie cut and forest green eyes talking to me. She looked to be 12 maybe 13 at max.

"Oh, Hi sorry," I apoligized to the girl.

"It's ok, no one ever really notices me," she explained, "I'm Delilah!"

"Taylor," I responded, "Why you heading to Genosha?" I asked her.

"My parents and I live in a really conservitive town and when I got my powers they became afraid that I would be attacked, so they think Genosha is the best place!" Delila hexplained to me.

"Why not the x-men? They're good too." I questioned.

"My mom thinks they get attacked to much for me to be safe there." Delilah answered, "How about you?"

I froze, I didn't have a backstory... So I winged it.

"You know that battle in New York a year ago with Loki?" I asked her.

"Ya you mean the New York Attack?"

So that's what they're calling it. The Battle of New York and The New York Attack.

"Yep, I was involed with it, got to hate mind control, but either way, got a really bad battle wounded, my family helped healed me, but it turns out that two of my friends are on Genosha, I'm the only mutant in my family so I'm the only one who can come. So I'm coming to check on them and bring them home, but not after spending a little time on the island, thought it would be good for me," I answered. Well it wasn't a complete lie.

"You were under Loki's control!?" she gasped.

I nodded, "Don't like to talk about it though."

"Wow.... why did Loki choose you? Like what's is your mutant ability... it must be good if Loki had you in his army!" Delilah marveled.

"I can project peoples worst fears and wishes into reality, you're afraid of clowns, I can make a clown appear. You love ice cream I can make it appear. Food I can make stay, things like clowns and pets I can only keep around for a good 30 minutes." I explained. I wasn't going to tell anyone about the weapons part... could give away my identity.

"WOW!" delilah exclaimed, "I can't do anything that cool!"

"What can you do?" I asked her.

"I'm a shapeshifter, I can shift into any mammal," she answered.

"Kid that's awesome!" I marveled.

"No it's not... I'm not like mystique... she can change into anything," delilah sighed.

"Yes it is!" I exclaimed at her, she needed the conficence buster.

"Really?" she asked.


She giggled, delilah really reminded me of Tess.

"All crew members get ready for arrival! Passangers some down to the loading dock in preperation for our arrival in Genosha!" the PTA system boomed.

Genosha... here I come.


Third Person. pov.

"I can't believed I argeed to this," Tony Stark groaned sliding his hands down his face stratching out his skin.

"I can't believe you're still moaning and groaning about it Stark," Hawkeye replied back.

Tony glared at Clint giving him a death glare that he had picked up from Natasha.

"Will you boys ever stop argueing?" Pepper asked as she set dinner down on the table.

"Nope," they answered together.

Pepper rolled her eyes in responce and walked back to the kitchen to help Natasha, Jane, Bobbi, and Janet bring out the rest of the food.

"Can't we all just have a nice dinner for once like a normal family?" Cap asked the group.

All the Avengers and their families were seated around the rectangle table which held 35 people, and that was if you squeezed.

"Cap, when in the past 20 years have we all had a normal dinner?" Stark commented pointing a fork at the old man.

Steve opened his mouth to answer raising but froze pausing and setting his finger down before answering, "Fair point."

Tony smirked before looking down at his empty plate poking it with his fork.

As you may have tell he was frustrated, and it wasn't over not being able to solve a math or science problem. It was over Taylor, who was right at this moment on a boat heading towards Genosha.

Before seeing Taylor stabbed by loki he probably would have been ok with this, HELL, he wouldn't be worrying this much over his daughter. But in the year Taylor had been in a Coma he had done EVERYTHING he could to be a better father.

That included adopting her, putting off his and Pepper's wedding, and becoming a stacker. Yes a stacker.

He questioned Jill and Syd on everything about her, down to her favorite sea creature, (Which was either the Sea Otter or the Snapping Turtle, she could never decide.)

He learned that she loved the sound of rain hitting the roof or window of a house. That she hated Frozen Yogurt and could make a mean milkshake. He learned that her favorite Holiday was Halloween. Not because of the chance to dress up and go trick or treating but because of the chance to see all the little kids' costumes and to hand out candy. And that was just the basics of what he learned.

Through this research he grew close to his daughter, he eventually started hanging in her hospital room at night when he couldn't sleep, (which was every night,) he would sit in one of the visitor's chairs and read to her. He started by reading Harry Potter to her, because it was one of her favorite series, but that series was quickly read and finished after two months. After that it was Life of Pi followed by To Kill a Mocking Bird. And He enjoyed this!

All of this one sided bonded had lead the father to this moment. The moment of worrying and poking an empty white plate with his fork.

HEY GUYS! DID YOU MISS ME? I bet you did! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while! CURSE YOU SCHOOL!!! But school finishes NEXT week on Wednesday so after that more updates! Until then, I have finals! SEE YOU ALL SOON!

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