Chapter 9

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Taylor's Pov.

I was among 7 other people who signed up for the group.

We were all standing in a singe file line waiting for the group leader to come out. We had been waiting a good 10 minutes before the door to the room opened.

Azar walked in with a boy who looked around her age, so probably 18.

The Boy had black hair that went down to his shoulders and looked to be from eastern Asia, China or somewhere like that. He had a normal build making me for sure think that his powers didn't have anything to do with strength or power. The thing that was intresting about the boy was that on both hands the index and middle fingers were completely black. It wasn't just that, running all along his arms were black marks that looked and ran through his skin like veins. His hands were darker then the rest of his body, not completely black like the two fingers but way lighter, but they turned darker that closer you went to his finger tips. He was wearing an outfit done in vivid green and black. He had a normal t-shirt on but his pants were a little weird. They looked exactly like jeans but I could tell they were made to fight in. Weird.

"Alright guys, I'm Azar and this is my fellow teammate Ken," A.Z explained as she gestered to the boy and herself, "As you all know you have all signed up for Genosha's version of the x-men. But that doesn't mean you are all qualified to be one. So me and Ken here will be testing you. Each one of you will have to spare with one of us for 5 minutes, if you make it through those 5 minutes you're in."

5 of the other 6 kids in line with me started talking to each other. The only ones who remained silent were myself and one boy with red hair and green eyes.

"Oh and one other thing, no Powers for you guys." A.Z smirked.

That shut everyone up, but a smile rose on my face. I didn't exactly know how to use my Projection powers so I didn't exactly use them, I most used my Weapon teleporting power. But if I just was given a weapon I would be good.

The one down side of what they said was that they could use their powers on us.

"Alright," Ken spoke looking down at the clip board he had in his hands, "First we have... Christy Martin."

A girl with Dark Brown hair which was short and curly and Hazel eyes stepped up. She was pretty tall and quite thin with a narrow build.

"So who do you challenge?" A.Z asked.

Christy pointed to Azar who smirked.

Azar was wearing a black leather jacket over a plain white t-shirt and jeans like Ken's (only skinny jean version) took off her jacket and handed it to Ken who took it glady

Azar went to the opposing side of the mat that the two would spar on.

Ken fished a whistle out of his pocket and put it to his lips and blew it.

In an instant Azar put her hand to the ground and a cloud of smoke burst out from it covering the entire mat making both of the girls no longer to the visable eye.

Azar's mutation was the Menipulation and Creation of smoke. Sweet.

Suddenly Christy was thrown out of the cloud of smoke landing hard on her back out of the ring that surronded the mat.

"Alright. Who's next?!" Azar asked the group.

I raised my hand.

I wanted to get over with this, and quick.

Ken nodded pretty impressed,"Your name?"

I looked over at him before responding, "Taylor Jones."

"Alright, who do you want to go up against? Me or A.Z"

I pointed to A.Z who was manipulating the Smoke cloud to make it disappear.

After she finsihed we took our places on the mat directly across from each other.

Ken once again put the whistle to his lips, "Good Luck!"

Then he blew it.



"Anthony Edward Stark!!!!!" Screamed Pepper as she stomped down the hall into the living room where the J.As, along with Clint and Tony were watching Jurasstic Park.

Tony snapped his head in the direction of his 4 months pregnant fiance who was stomping down the hallway in a rampage much like the dinosaurs in the movie.

"Yes Pepper?" he chuckled lightly trying to act like he hadn't done anything, but when was that ever true?

Pepper flared her nostrals and grabbed the TV remote, pointed it towards the TV, pressing the power button and shuting it off.

"HEY! We were watching that!" Riley exclaimed after the TV had shut off right at one of the good parts.

"Gee Tony, next time you do something don't let us all be subjected to Pepper's Wrath." Clint muttered before getting a death glare sent at him from Pepper which shut him right up.

All the J.As silently chuckled at Uncle Clint's face. It was the mixture of the wide eyes and scared/frieghtened face that made it hilarious. There were only two people in the tower that could make him fall silent like that.

1. A furious Pepper.

and 2. Natasha, at any point in time.

Pepper turned back to Tony, "How dare you! How dare you!" she hissed shaking a finger at him.

"How dare I what?!" he stuttered in fear.

"How dare you make a Toddlar Iron Man suit!" she shouted showing him the baby iron man helmet and mask she carried in her hand by shoving it into his face.

"WHAT!?!!? I didn't do anything of the sort!" he exclaimed.

"Then explain this!" she hissed dropping the helmet into his lap.

"I don't know what this is!" he defended but Pepper wasn't listening.

"I thought we already had this converation!!! We even had it when Taylor first got it! No Iron man suit of the kind until they are 18! AND CAN DRIVE!" she explained to her fiance.

"I didn't make this Peps!" Tony tried to defend himself again.

Meanwhile the J.As had fled the room with Clint in favor for the Security room so that they could watch the live stream of the fight.

"Oh my god. This is the best thing ever!" Clint chuckled as he devoured the popcorn he had managed to bring along.

"I know! We got to do more pranks like this!" Riley laughed high fiving Syd and Pym who were involed in the Prank.

"I do not get the point of how Tony getting yelled at by Aunt Pepper is funny..." Alva stated scrunching her eyebrows together in confusion.

"It just is Al!" Pym spoke back.

"JARVIS!? Are you recording this!?" Syd asked the AI in the ceiling.

"Yes Ma'am I am." JARVIS answered.

"Good! Cause I need to send this to Taylor!" she replied.

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