Chapter 19

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Third Person's Pov. (Hour 1)

"Oh god! What are we going to do?!" Tommy panicked as he paced around Taylor's room in somewhat super speed

"Tommy calm down!" Billy urged trying to get his brother to just that.

"Calm down!? Magneto threw Taylor into prison! The only reason that we haven't joined her is because Magneto is our Grandpa!" Tommy fumed not calming down one bit.

" I know Tommy but what we need to do right now is get in contact with the Avengers," Billy suggested.

"Ya... you, you do that..." Tommy nodded still pacing being to make a bend in the floor/ carpet of the apartment's living room.

Billy picked the Starkpad that sat on the coffee table in front of the coach he was seated on. He scrolled through the pad and found a contact by the name of JARVIS which he decided was as good a contact to pick and call as any other that was listed.

The pad rang reflexing his image that it was taking in from the camera before him and projecting it onto the screen in front of him.

It took 3 rings before anyone answered.

An image of a girl with almost white blond hair that was pulled up in a ponytail and blue eyes appeared on the screen of the tablet he was holding.

" 'Ello!?" she greeted.

Billy stared at the girl on the screen not realizing his thumb was over the camera blocking an image of him to be shown to the girl who had answered. The girl looked familiar but he couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

He said nothing.

"Hello? Anyone there?" she asked raising an eyebrow, "Is this a but dial Taylor?"

Billy quickly realized what was happening and moved his thumb off of the camera letting the blond haired girl take in his face and image.

"William?" she trembled after a second.

Billy gave a quick and small nod to the girl he didn't know was his cousin.

"William... My name is Riley, why do you have Taylor's Starkpad?" the girl named Riley asked.

Riley... the name sounded familiar to William, but he wasn't going to focus on that at the moment.

"Taylor... she... she..." he stuttered panting somewhat heavily as realization started to take over.

"William... breath... take in one deep breath and tell me what happened," Riley spoke trying to get her cousin to tell her what was going on with Taylor.

"Magneto did blood tests on all of us and they somehow found out that Tony Stark is her father and that Pepper Potts is her mother. Her cover was blown and now Magneto has thrown her in prison!" Billy quickly spit out.

Riley's eyes grew wide in shock and her heart tightened in her chest.

"William... I need to tell the others... We will fix this... I'll tell the others but you need to stay where you are and don't do anything that could throw this situation off even more. Alright?"

Billy nodded taking in RIley's words...

The Avengers were going to fix this, he was sure of it. But he didn't know how wrong he was.

---------- MEANWHILE AT AVENGERS TOWER!------ (Hour 2)

Riley ran down the halls trying to find James or Tony or anyone that knew how to handle this info better then herself. She was Riley!  The immature one of the group! How did this happen!? Why did she have to be the one to answer William's cry for help?

She finally found Tony Stark. He was sitting in his lab with Doctor Banner to his right helping him on a project they were working on together.

"Uncle Tony!" Riley yelled as she sped into the lab. She tripped over a wrench on the floor and crashed into a storage shelf on the other side of the room.

"Riley! How many times do we have to tell you! No using Superspeed around the tower!" Tony groaned, "You've already crashed into to many things!"

Riley quickly hoped back up onto her feet not caring about the damaged she had just caused.

"Taylor's cover's been blown and she's been captured and taken prisoner," Riley spilled out.

Tony's eyes grew in shock and worry and he ran out of the room.

"JARVIS! Call Taylor's cell! Pull up everything you can! I want to know what happened to my daughter. Get Fury on the line if I have to force him to help me!" he cried at the ceiling where the AI lived.

JARVIS said nothing in return to indicate that he had already started doing this, Tony probably already knew.

Tony pressed the Avengers Assemble button along with the button for the JAs.

Nothing was going to stop him from getting to his daughter, and he was going to use all the resources he had to get his child back.

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