Chapter 17

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Taylor's Pov. 

It was 9 pm at night when we finally got back to the tower after shopping. It had been a LONG and EXAUSTING day. It took until 11 am for everyone to be fully awake, dressed, and ready for training which lasted a full 5 hours so it wasn't till 5 did we leave the tower, we all had needed an hour break between training and shopping to shower and get ready for shopping itself. 

I had bought probably $600 dollars worth of things from the three and a half hours shopping spree. I had bought 9 graphic tees, all of them from Hot Topic or American Eagle, 5 pairs of atheltic jeans of the same kind AZ and Ken had, I needed those BAD, just in case I got into a fight back home with the Avengers. I needed something I could easily fight in but something that looked normal so that I didn't stand out in public. I had also gotten 7 pairs of leggings, athletic, dressup, and normal kinds, 2 dresses, one fancy and the other one for a classy night, and 3 pairs of shoes, 1 set of sneakers, 1 set of toms, and 1 set of flip flops (which were my favorite). 

As soon as I got into my apartment I through my bags into the closet not even bothering to take the stuff out of the bags and hang them. I walked over to my white fabric couch and ploped down on it before grabbing my Starkpad which laided on the coffee table next to my Go Set a Watchmen book that I had just gotten earlier that day in the mail after ordering from Amazon, and it had arrived during the brake after training. 

I unlocked my Starkpad after putting in the four digit password and quickly went to the calling app so that I could facetime my dad. 

It didn't take more then two seconds after the first ring for him to answer.

" 'Ello!?" came my dad's voice, though I couldn't see him, all I got as a view was an image of the ceiling of the tower's lab. 

"Dad!?" I questioned, "Why am I looking at the ceiling!?" 

I heard some clanging and shifting of tool, maybe even one being dropped onto the floor before my father came racing into view. He was covered in knee Grease and black powder that was dusted all over him. 

"Taylor!" greeted my dad as he picked up the pad and positioned it so that I could see him better, "How's it going!?"

"It's going pretty good... but I have a question..." I replied. 

"Shot kid" was his answer. 

"Is it to soon to come home?" I asked. 

"What happened!?" he automatically snapped, "Is your cover close to being blown!? DAMN IT! I knew it! I shouldn't have let you go to that death trap of an island!" 

"Dad! Dad! Calm down! I'm fine!" I quickly interupeted him. 

My dad raised an eyebrow at me suddenly curious about why I wanted to come home when my cover wasn't blown. He probably thought that I hadn't finished my mission yet. 

"So what is it then!?" he asked. 

"Well... I sort of maybe have already found the twins, found out what's happened to them over the past decade, and maybe told them about their mother and their past," I lightly chuckled. 

"YOU DID WHAT!?!" My dad yelled his eyes bulging out of his head almost popping out. 

"Ya... I sort of found them yesterday... and didn't call you..." I added. 

"Wait! You're telling me that what was suppose to be a 2 week mission at least originally is already done!? IN LESS THEN A WEEK!?"  Tony started to infer. 

I nodded smiling shyly. 

"GOD! I can't wait to rub this in Legolas's face! Ha! The Birdbrain is goign to be so piss that you beat his and Red's old record! They had 12 days as the record! But... But you made it in 5 days! Ha!!!"  My dad cheered doing somewhat of a small happy dance. 

I rolled my eyes and giggled lightly. 

"Dad.." I groaned, I hated it when he bragged about me. 

"What!? You know I'm proud of you!" He replied. 

"I know, but you know I hate it when you brag about me!" I told him. 

"I'm not bragging! I'm just gloating! There's a difference!" he insisted. 

"In your case I'm not quite sure!" I pointed out. 

"Ya ya... But I am proud of you Taylor." 

"Thanks dad... That... that means a lot to me..." I smiled, "Love you." 

"Love you too kiddo. And be careful! Just because you finished your part of the mission doesn't mean the trouble and threat of getting caught is over,"  was all I heard from my dad before I hung up and went to bed. 

I should have listened to his warning.


Third Person's Pov. 

Magneto stood in the security sector of the island of Genosha and was glaring at one screen out of the many that lined the walls of the room. It was the camera to Taylor's room. 

"Magneto... what should we do?" asked Mystique as she watched Taylor talk with her father TONY STARK over the Starkpad she had. 

Magneto stared at the screen for a good minute before responding. 

"We expose her of course... We may lose my grandsons' trust in the process but it is better then the Avengers coming to Genosha to foil our plans," Magneto responded. 

"And how do you expect to do that?" Mystique questioned her fellow mutant. 

"Tomorrow we send the team to the heritage center, the team will get their results in front of each other. Then we take her into custody and use her as leverage on the Avengers, the team will feel betrayed that she didn't tell them... It's perfect. Plus... the girl will finally learn who her mother is," Magento replied. 

"That sounds wonderful... but how we tell the Avengers?" 

"We won't need to. My grandsons will," Magneto smirked. 

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