Chapter 5

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Taylor walked out of her room and towards the living room, it had been a little over an hour since James 'professed his love' to her. And she loved the feeling of being on cloud nine. What she hadn't realized was that in the time she had spent showering and getting dressed that trouble had started sturing.

In the time Taylor had been gone more and more people had tried to conquer the world, though that was not surpricing. What was surpricing though was that many villians had started picking up his tacktics. Such as drafting kids or attacking the J.As. Their school had been attacked 3 times in the past year, leading everyone to think that superpowered kids shouldn't been put in public schooling systems. There were even riots against it.

So as Taylor walked towards the living room she was blissfully happy, not realizing what had happened in the last year.

Meanwhile in the living room Wanda, Pietro, and Riley had just gotten back from their meeting on the helicarrier. All the Avenger's and J.As were pestering them to find out what happened, but they didn't say anything. Wanda didn't even pay attention to the Vision, she just stared into the distance. It hurt to much to say anything.

So as Taylor walked into the living room the sound of silence greated her. That sound was NOT normal.

Even Riley was silent, which almost never happened, except for moments like this. She was completely still, but she still ignored her father.

Taylor looked around at what was happening trying to take in why it was so silent. The best way to find out what was going wrong was to find out through RIley. SO Taylor marched over to her friend before slapping her.

"Hey! Why you do that?" Riley spat suddenely breaking her streak of silence.

"What happened?" Taylor plainly stated.

"I didn't tell you guys?" Riley asked surpriced.

"You haven't said anything since you got back 10 mintues ago," explained James, "Neither has your father or your aunt. "

"He's not my father," Riley snapped at James quickly.

Everyone knew Riley hated her father, though non of us knew why.

"What happened?" Taylor asked again.

"We found Thomas and WIlliam." she stated.

"Who's Thomas and WIlliam?" Taylor questioned.

All of the other J.As were stunned, they all knew the story of the Scarlet WItch's sons.

"Wanda's Sons..." Syd stated.

"But Wanda doesn't have any sons." Taylor replied.

"She did once. A long time ago," James explained.

Taylor raised an eyebrow at James who sighed in responce and gave an 'I'll explain later' look.

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