Chapter 14

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Taylor's Pov.

It had been an hour since I had hung up on the family and me and the team were eating dinner in silence.

"So..." I stated as I poked the chicken leg that was in front of me, "Should we tell life stories? Get to know one another. I know that you guys already probably know each other but Me, Tommy, and Billy don't," I suggested.

"I'm down with that," AZ commented.

"Alright who wants to start?" I asked.

"I'll go," Ken spoke.

We all nodded and listened to him.

"Well I was I think 13 when my powers came in, pretty early. I lived in wine country outside of San Francisco, my family still lives there actually. We own a wine vinyard so I grew up doing the sterotypical riding horses down the rows of grapes. I was doing this one day and there was a thunderstorm, now there aren't a lot of trees in our vineyard so when electricity comes down as lighting we usually get fried grapes. For some reason I was riding and I was the tallest thing around, being on horse of course, so I got struck by lightning. You know in Avatar the Last Airbender Uncle Iroh can channal Lighthing back at someone? Well dumb 13 year old me of course tried that. And It worked, it was weird, I actually managed to conducted it to a lighting post we had set up near by. It was awesome. After that everytime we had a thunderstorm I would protect the grapes by directing the lighting, eventually I managed to absord it and project it, that's where the black charred skin comes from. I don't get hurt by it but my skin still gets burnt, there's no long term damage we think, but I don't mind it." Ken explained as he wrapped up his story.

We all just sat in silence mouths gapping.

"I'll go next," Amaka offered.

We all turned our attention to her and she started.

"Well I'm actually not from America, I'm from Kenya, out in the country, those small village tribes. Most people there never want to leave or never get the chance to, but I craved oppertunity, so every weekend I would take my bike that I won in a bet and bikebike like 3-4 hours just to go to the small city close by that actually had internet and those sort of things. I would go there to their Library and read, that's how I learned English, through reading and the librarian. The librarian was a nice women, she's the one who told me I should apply to come to America, but of course the village and tribe was against it. The day before I was suppose to get my result about if I could come to the US I was working in the tribe's fields with the older women. They were taking about how the crops were dying from the lack of rain. I was looking at the dead plants when my power came. I froze the plants. And I did lose control, everything I touched turned to ice or was frozen over. My tribe turned against me, calling me a witch, and I was forced out of the village. The librarian took me in and the next day I was told I got into the program. I didn't say anything about my powers. When I got to the US I learned I was a mutant and not a witch, so I came here so I wouldn't have to go back to Kenya," Amaka finished.

We all feel silent, all except for AZ who cleared her throat, "Our turn I guess?"

Everyone nodded and Maz added, "You tell the story."

AZ nodded and took in a deep breath before starting, "So you know me and Maz are twins. We're also Persian... My entire family, both my mom and my dad. We live in Salt Lake City, Utah with our dad's side of the family. You guys have heard of the Iranian Revolution?" she asked and a few of us nodded, "Well our dad's side of the family are all refugees from the revolution. We have a fantastic family, and it's VERY big. They all had nothing but when they came to the US they made soemthing, our uncle's a millionaire we think. We had and still have a really good life, very privlaged unlike when my dad's family was in Iran and they couldn't afford new shoes. Our dad's a little on the old side so he's been through a lot of medical problems, the only reason he's still alive is because of our mom, she's a doctor. But either way, when our powers came in they excepted us, thought that we should embrace them. They sent us here to do that, though they don't really know about the fighting part," she answered.

We all nodded smiling, AZ's and Maz's story was a somewhat happy one.

"Alright Taylor's next then the second set of twins!" Amaka proposed and we all agreed.

I sighed before starting, I was going to have to talk about something I hated to talk about.

"Alright... so when I was born I directly put into the foster care system, my mom was a young and about to have a major brake through, a child would stop her, plus she didn't have all that great a life at the time. When I was around 8 I was being fostered by Jessica Jones, you know the super hero Jewel? That's her. But either way, her husband, Kyle, was abusive to both of us.. most of all me, it shattered my trust and forced me to close off. He would pound and beat me, and hard. No one at my school knew because he always hit me somewhere where I could cover it up. But around 4 years ago, Jessica meet Luke Cage, and he drove Kyle out and way, he became a father figure to me. Eventually I was able to wear short sleeve t-shirts again. About a year and a half ago I discovered that I could teleport whatever I thought of to me and that I could project people's fears and wishes into real life. It was around that time I meet my real father, I somehow got dragged into Loki's army, I got wounded really bad in the battle and was forced into bedrest for a year, during that time my dad fully adopted me, and my unborn little sibling was consived, and I don't even want to talk about that thought of that," I joked and everyone except Billy and Tommy laughed, they just stared at me.

"It's down to the newest twins!" Maz announced.

Billy looked to Tommy who looked back at Billy.

"DO we have to?" they asked together.

"YES!!!" we all screamed.

"Ugh... Fine..." Tommy groaned.

Billy sighed before starting, "Well... me and Tommy aren't exactly sure where we came from... we just remember waking up one day when we were 5 not remembering anything before that day besides our names. We had nothing but the clothes on our back. We soon discovered we were in eastern Europe. over the past 11 years we managed to make it over here to the US. Ya that's pretty much it, two runaway orphans." he finished.

It was only when they finished did I realize that he had said nothing about Loki's Army.

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