Chapter 11

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Taylor's Pov.

As soon as I had beaten A.Z. I was pushed through a set of doors into a waiting room of some sort. It of course had metal walls, but these looked to be made of a strong polished iron that seemed to be recently polished. It was a furnished waiting room with a leather couch and a glass table which had a bowl full of chocolate covered mangos and a stack of magazines to look at.

I had to wait in that room for an hour before anyone came in.

A.Z. and Ken walked in at around the 1 hour 15 minute mark.

"Taylor! Congrats! You're the only person this time to make it on to the team," Ken greeted me.

"Uh... Thanks?" I replied uncertainly.

He nodded and in responce and A.Z. just rolled her eyes and chuckled lightly.

"Just ignore BBQ over here," she spoke pointing a finger at Ken.

"Hey!" he exclaimed at AZ who jsut ignored him.

"Follow me Taylor, We need to introduce you to the rest of the team," AZ explained just ignoring Ken.

The black haired girl lead me through another set of door and out into what I assume was the downtown area of Genosha, we walked through the crowded streeted towards a 32 story metal building that was mostly comprised, like the rest of the city, out of metal.

We walked into the building through the double entrance that had a guard on each side of the entrance. They didn't give us a second glance. We strolled into the elevator which was waiting open for us. We stepped in and the door closed and AZ pressed the 30th floor button.

"Where are we going?" I questioned after a minute of silence.

"We are talking you to meet the rest of the team and get you settled in," Ken responded.

"So you guys live together? Like the x-men, the Avengers, and The Fantastic Four do?" I asked.

"Ya basically," AZ answered.

"Sweet," I stated as the doors opened.

As soon as the door opened a boy flew right pass the opening almost knocking us down as we walked out. Luckly AZ noticed this and pulled me back from the line of fire. As soon as she did that her face turned into one of fury.

"MAZIN!!!!" She shouted angerly.

The boy who flew past us stopped and landed, I quickly noticed that he looked almost exactly like AZ, only boy version, and instead of having smoke grey tips on the ends of his short hair, the tips were a pure white. This must have been her brother.

"What is it sis?" he asked like he hadn't done anything.

"Maz! How many times have I told you! No flying in the house!" she hissed at her brother.

"Don't know and really don't care," he replied before his eyes landed on me, "Wow we actually got a new member sweet! I'm Mazin, but you can call me Maz. I'm the flyer of the group."

"Nice to meet you Maz, I'm Taylor," I introduced myself.

"Come on Taylor you've got to meet Amaka," AZ interupted before grabing my hand and draggin me towards the living room.

In the living room sat a short dark skinned girl with curly frizzy hair. She was a little on the plump side too.

"Amaka! You've got to meet our new member!" AZ exclaimed letting go of my hand.

The dark skined girl turned towards us, I saw she had ice blue eyes which did not exactly fit in with the rest of her complection.

"Taylor this is Amaka our resident Cryokinetic Contructist," AZ explained.

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