Chapter 12

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Picture Of Taylor's Room above! Birds eye-view

Taylor's Pov.

I had just finished decorating my room when my phone started ringing.

I took the phone out of my pocket to see who was calling only to discover it was my dad. So I pressed the answer button and sat down on my white leather couch that I had made appear earlier.

"Hey dad!" I asnwered into the phone.

"Taylor! What did you do with all your furniture!!??" he yelled into the phone angerly.

"I may or may not have teleported everything to my new room over here..." I chuckled lightly into the phone.

"YOU DID WHAT!?! How in Cap's Shield did you manage to teleport your hardwood floors!" he asked.

"I don't know! I just did!" I replied.


"Yes I do dad, but this is you, its not like you can't just redo the floors." I answered back at him.

Before he could respond there was a knock at my door.

"OH! Got to go! Call you later dad!" I quickly stated into the phone.

My dad shortly managed to get it, "I'm not finished yet young Lady!" before I disconnected the call.

I dropped my phone on the couch and ran over to the door and opened it to see Amaka and Azar waiting for me.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I asked leaning on the door.

"We wanted to see if you could actually make a room with your powers or if we needed to take you shopping," Amaka explained before going on her tiptoes to look over my shoulder and see the room, "HOLY SH*T! SHE DID IT!" she exclaimed before pushing past me into the room.

The space was about the size of my room back at the tower so I teleported everything I had over there to here. The only difference was that there was a mini kitchen in this apartment.

I had managed to teleport cans of paint and paint the walls blue, white, and a greyish black. To tell the truth I did pretty well!

Amaka walked past the kitchen to what I considered my living room which opened into my bedroom, which only had three walls. She walked over to the fooseball table I had place and ran her hand over the dark oak which the table was contructed of.

"How the heck did you get a fooseball table!?" she questioned as she turned the players by using the handle.

"I want to know how she got an entire closet worth of clothes! She didn't even bring a luggage!" A.Z. spoke as she walked into my closet which was next to the bathroom.

I just chuckled and watched their reactions.

"So... what now?" I asked them after they finished geeking over my room.

"Now we go meet with Magneto, he pushed our meeting with him to today." AZ explained.

"Alright, let me change really quick," I stated before running into my closet. I changed into a light grey coke a cola top and put on blue jeans which were actually fighting pants that my dad had made with aunt Janet. I quickly gradded a black leather jacket before coming out of the closet.

AZ looked over me before nodding in approval at my outfit, "Alright, let's go!" she stated before heading out the door and to the elevator, me and Amaka following her.

We stepped into the elevator letting the doors close before Amaka pushed a button. But the button she pressed was labeled U7, which was really weird.

"What does U7 mean?" I asked looking at the buttons and seeing that there were 10 levels of U and that it started at 1 and went up the farther you went down.

"The U is for underground. U5 is the 5th story underground, U7 is where the prison is," explained AZ as we went down past level 8.

I nodded in understanding as we continued to go down and passed the ground level. It took a few more seconds before we finally made it to U8.

As soon as the doors opened I saw Magneto standing waiting with Ken and Maz, the three were talking when we walked out of the elevator and they stopped when they noticed us.

"Ah! Now I can introduce you 5 to your two new team mates, but they are not in the right mind right now. They will stay with you guys for the next week, they are not allowed to leave the tower without at least two of you, the AI has already been told this along with the secuetry. They will also have trackers placed on them," Magneto explained as he walked us down the corridors.

"These 2 are prisoners?" I asked.

Magneto shock his head no, "They are not prisoners exactly, they have the wrong view of Genosha like most of the world, they think that Genosha is a place of violence and evil, you are to prove them wrong, but they are dangerous."

We all nodded in understanding as we came in front of two prison ceils which were set side by side. In one of the ceils was a white haired boy and in the other was a black haired one. Both looked exactly the same except for the hair, twins... Thomas.. William.. I quickly relized. Thomas was running around the room at super speeds trying to get out while William just sat on the floor leaning against the wall.

No one's face changed when they saw this, so I kept a poker face on.

Magneto knocked on glass of both of the boys' ceils causing them to stop what they were doing. Thomas stopped running and looked out of the glass at us. William brushed the hair out of his eyes and looked at us, neither one spoke.

"Boys... meet your teammates," Magneto introduced.


Third Person's Pov

"You talked to her!?" Belted James once he heard Tony had talked to Taylor.

"Ya but for only a minute..." Tony tried to explained.

"What did she say!?" Pym asked.

"Nothing much, she said she would call back but she didn't say when, most of the time I was yelling at her," Tony continued.

"Why were you yelling at her?" Syd questioned.

"Well she teleported all her furniture to the place where she is staying along with all of her hardwood floors," Tony responded.

"Wait she teleported all her furniture AND flooring! How is that possible?!" Riley asked.

"That's what I said!" Tony replied.

"Ok... did she say anything about William and Thomas?" Dustin added.

"Nope, like I said she hung up on me!" Tony remarked.

"UGH! We are getting no where with this!" Alva hissed.

"Agreed," James sighed, "But on the bright side we know she's in safe."

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