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Third Person Pov. Year 25

All her friends were dead. Loki had killed everyone but Alva, Billy, and herself.

Dustin had died trying to protect his daughter, Thorrun, and Son, Pietro, from Loki's bots. Thorrun was killed in that attack too, only Pietro made it out alive but had lost his right leg in the attack and had since had it replaced by a cybernetic leg, he was now 17. No bodies were found.

Riley had died a year before her husband in a raid on the streets, the kids were 9 and 11 at the time. That was 10 years ago, no body found.

Tommy was executed after being captured and tortured by Loki for 3 years.

Jill and Syd were killed by Chitari while trying to save innocent civilians, their bodies were never found.

Maz and AZ along with Ken had disappeared 6 years ago along with AZ's and Ken's boys, Quinn and Owen, who were 10 and 11 at the time.

Amaka had married Tommy before he had been captured and given birth to a beautiful baby girl 9 months later and named her Scarlett, before dying from complications in child birth. Scarlett was now 12.

Alva married Billy and had a son named Chris who was now 14 and were the adoptive parents of Scarlett though they always let her know that they were her aunt and uncle.

Then there was James and Taylor.

James had finally married Taylor and they had one set of twins, a boy and a girl which they named, Andrew Steven Stark Rogers and Toni Virginia Stark Rogers. That was 16 years ago and the twins were now 16

1 year ago James had been killed by Loki while fighting against some Chitari with Toni and Andrew by his side, Loki just showed up shot a blast at him vaporizing him and then just disappeared. The twins watched their father be killed by Loki right in front of them.

Taylor was now a widow, but that drove her farther and harder.

She was one of the last Avengers still alive.

She couldn't save the world now, the opportunity for her had passed, now it was someone else's turn.

Time, is a funny thing, isn't it?


Next week is Comic con in my town and I'm getting a photo op with Hayley Atwell!!!! AHHH!!!

Either way. Book 3 will be posted on Saturday!

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