Chapter 15

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Taylor pov.

I dragged Tommy and Billy to my room after dinner and forced them to sit on the couch.

"Both of you know that I wasn't apart of Loki's army, you guys know this because you were apart of the army, and I know that because I fought against you guys. Now if you tell anyone this I will make sure that my family knows, and trust me, you don't want that," I automatically stated as soon as I sat down.

Tommy and BIlly stayed silent not saying anything and just stared at their feet or looked somewhere other then at me.

"That was the first thing, the second is that I know your past, from before you were 5," I spoke which made them snap their heads toward me, "And the third thing is that anything said in this room doesn't leave this room. There are no video cameras or bugs, and if there are their signals are being blocked so no information is leaving this room," I explained.

"How do you know about our past?" Tommy asked.

"Because, your mom is my aunt," I answered.

Billy thought for a moment before it clicked for him," We are the cousins you were talking about," he reliezed and I nodded.

"How do you know us but we don't know you?" Tommy asked.

"Because you two like disappeared when you guys were 4 during an attack on the family and your souls were taken and it was thought that you were actually illusions created by your mother. Your actual cousin Riley knows the full story, I just know bits and pieces," I explained.

"Wait, illusions? How did our mother create illusion?" Thomas asked because he was VERY confused.

"The info I'm about to tell you is one of the many things that CANNOT LEAVE THIS ROOM," I stated and the twins nodded understanding this. I took in a deep breath before continuing, "You guys know of the Avengers right?" I questioned.

"Ya, who doesn't?" Billy replied.

"Well we are kids of Avengers, that's why my family is so close knit. My family who we face timed with are other kids of different Avengers, they are also the J.As, I battled with them a year ago." I explained.

"Impossible!" Tommy scoffed crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's not..." I responded before pulling out my cell phone and going into photos and showing them photos of me with my family and pictures I had of the Avengers along with the J.As.

Billy stayed silent, meanwhile Tommy did something else.

"So your story you told at dinner was a lie?" he inquired.

"No... Everything I said up there was true. I did get involed with Loki's Army didn't I? I just stratched the truth about Loki's Army and what actually happened. I was in Foster Care, I was abused and I was adopted by my biological father Tony Stark," I answered.

"If you're apart of the J.As why did only you come?" Billy questioned.

"Because no one really knows me. Since I only meet my father a year and a half ago I had to train to be apart of the J.As for 6 months, as soon as those 6 months ended Loki attacked New York with the army. At the end of the battle I got injured REALLY badly... I got stabbed by Loki right through the stomach... I ended up in a coma for a year. I only woke up less then a month ago. I'm the only J.A who hasn't made a TV apperence with their parent because no one knows I'm Tony Stark's daughter, so SHIELD decided to send me in undercover and find you guys," I explained.

"Could you show us what our mother looks like?" Billy requested in a quiet voice.

I nodded and slide through my phone till I found the picture Riley had send of her to me.

"Here you go," I spoke as I handed Billy my phone.

Billy took my phone and looked at the photo and Tommy looked over his shoulder.

"It looks like her..." Tommy muttered.

"You've seen her before?" I gasped.

Billy and Tommy nodded but Tommy spoke, "When we first woke up Billy had a photo in his pocket that had a picture of us two with this women, it was one of those photos you get from a poloroid. We always thought she may just be our mother... We would make stories about what she was like. But when Magneto kidnapped us we left the photo in the cave we were hiding out in, we never left that photo before. But we never thought she would be famous. We never thought she would be an avenger, and we never saw her on newspapers or somewhere else where you would see avengers," Tommy explained.

"I can explain that... When you two disappeared everyone thought you were illusions created by her reality altering powers, she became mentally unstable and was hidden from the publics' eye. It took her 8 years to become stable, and even then she refused to become a hero again because she blamed the stress of being an avenger for causing her to create you two. But she always said that you two were alive." I added.

The two looked at me, their eyes wide and amazed by the part of the story I had just told them.

"Wait, so our mom went all crazy witch bent on revenge?" Tommy asked.

"Yep, pretty much," I said popping the 'P'.

"What is she like?" Billy asked.

"She's depressed, but she's really nice though. She seems happier when she's around Riley, reminds her of what she could of had though. She has a heart of gold or use to I hear... but when she heard you guys were alive, a light turned on in her, she had hope and wonder in her eyes. She was determined to get you guys back herself, even if it meant returning and siding with her father," I explained.

"Her father, Our Grandfather? What's so bad about him?" Tommy questioned.

"Magneto is her father. So the dude you kidnapped you guys is your Grandpa," I answered.

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