Chapter 22

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Third Person Pov. Hour 7

Loki was dressed in his normal asgardian clothes and Magneto was dress in his villain outfit, his signature helmet covering his hair.

Around their feet were fallen Avengers.

Ironman was belly up and flat on his back, multiple chucks of his suit had been teared off of him leaving him in his usual black t-shirt and jeans. He was missing his repulsers from the glove and boot still clinging onto him. His hair was full of dust and grim and it looked like he had taken a nasty beating.

Captain America had his back up and his right check laid on the ground, carrying the weight of his head. His suit was torn so that you could see come of the bullet proof lining and material that had been sown and layered into his suit. The same was with his wife the Black Widow who laid next to him her belly facing up.

Thor was left leaning against a crumbled building and was unconcious. His blood red cape that always hung on his shoulders wasn't there, just a torn rag of red string hung by his shoulder pads. His blond hair was in his face and his chin was slumped down and leaning on his chest.

Hawkeye was nowhere to be seen as was the same with his wife Mockingbird.

Janet and Hank Pym were locked in small cages much like the one Tinker Bell had been put in when she was captured by Captain hook in Peter Pan.

There was no sign of the Hulk.

The Scarlet Witch laid on her back her red gypsy styled outfit torn and fanned out around her, her curly hair scattered around her.

Quicksilver was flat on the ground, his right leg bended in a weird and unnatural position which made it look for sure broken.

And then there stood the JAs standing outside of an elevator shaft seeing the sight before them.  They were shocked and frightened at the scene before them.

The Mutants of Genosha stood in shock at their leader standing above the fallen Avengers with an evil Demi-god next to him.

"Loki," Taylor stated at the sight of the demigod, she was the only one who spoke, everyone else was silent.

"Ah! Taylor Stark! Long time no see!" Loki greeted an evil smile covering his face.

"Loki," was her responce.

"Nice to see that someone remembers my name," he chuckled smirking.

No one spoke or answered the trickster's chuckle. That was, until, Magneto spoke up.

"Mutants of Genosha," he spoke looking at AZ, Ken, Maz, and Amaka, "Why do you side with those... 'avengers?' They are the enemy!"

"We're not the evil villain here Magneto!" Syd spat at the old man.

"But you are!" Loki hissed, "You Avengers are!!! You protect humanity! You don't want it to change to evolve! You think the world is safe from us!? HA! You think the world is safe!? THE WORLD WILL NEVER BE SAFE WITH YOU IN IT! And it is timed you learned that!"

"What are you planning Loki?" James asked.

"Now that I will tell you. The Avengers are too powerful for us villains to take on one by one. We thought we could weaken the 'heroes', starting by either killing her or turning her evil," he spoke pointing at Taylor before continuing, "But killing you wasn't good enough was it!?" he hissed, "We couldn't even achieve that! So why continue to fail! Why not just team up with all the villains and enemies of the Avenger's and take over! And it looks like it worked." he gestured to the fallen heroes.

"You won't win Father!" Alva cried at her dad her voice cracking halfway through the sentence.

"I already have," he smirked, "I would run if I were you, and never look back, because this is your one chance. Run, hide like the cowards you truly are and never show yourself, because it is you who can't win this war, you have already lost it."

And with those final words the JAs looked at each other and nodded and turned around running towards the quinjet that waited for them on the beach of Genosha, Loki's evil laugh filling their ears as they fleed with the Mutant's of Genosha.

Oh my god!!! You guys! There are only 2 more parts after this! Can u believe it!? And I just started writing this book in March! That's like a 6 month turn around! Ahh!!!! So either way. I know u are all wondering... Will there be a third book? And I'm happy to announce that they're will in fact be a third book!!!


Also if I get 5 comments I will publish the next part early.

So comment!!!

See u all soon!

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