Chapter 6

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Taylor's Pov.

I stood on the edge of the helicarrier looking through the glass and down at the ocean below me. Though I was not afraid of hights I couldn't help but be afraid.

It had been only 6 hours since Riley, Wanda, and Pietro had returned to the tower and just 4 hours later all the Avengers were called together by Fury. Something that didn't happen alot.

Us J.As tagged along because apparently Fury wanted us too. Though he hadn't let us into the confrence room! Our parents had been in there for over an hour. What the heck were they talking about?

I continued to look down at the water even when a hand was rested on my shoulder. My first instincted would have been to turn around and punch whoever had rested their hand on my shoulder. But luckly I reconziged the feel of the hand as James and relaxed letting him leave it there.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"Tons of things, life, how I'm alive, how the heck Thomas and William are alive, mostly about things being alive," I answered.

James chuckled a little at this smiling, oh god I loved his smile.

"You don't have to think about those things you know?" He asked me.

"I know, but sometimes it just helps. You know, stressing out about the small things, it helps me cope," I explained.

James opend his mouth to respond before Fury's voice over the P.A interupted us.

"J.A's Please come to confrence room 3!" his order spoke over the helicarrier's speackers.

"About time," I heard Dustin mumble before getting up. He had been trying to avoid both Alva and Riley in the time since Riley kissed him. It was a good thing he was doing that too.

All of us walked towards the confrence froom taking 3 minutes to get there. When we walked in we all saw our parents seated around a round table with empty chairs next to them for us, their kids.

We all sat next to our parents, all expect for Riley who sat next to her Aunt instead of her father and Jill because Wolverine wasn't an official round the clock Avenger.

"I presume you already know that William and Thomas are alive?" Nick Fury asked us and we all nodded back in responce.

"Good, that saves us time to put the plan in action," he responded.

"We are planning to send in Jill as an undercover agent, Magneto is apparently doing what Loki did with his army, building it out of children, the only reason we caught onto his plans early this time was because of the fight Thomas and William put up. Magneto is taking mutant teenagers who don't want to be in this war. Jill will volenteer to be apart of his army and live in genosha and try and brake the twins out, plain and simple." Fury explained.

The room was silent. I could see Jill was reluctent to do this but she didn't protest. I couldn't put my friend up to that.

"No," I finally spoke braking the silence, "I'll go."

"WHAT!?" "NO!" "ARE YOU KINDING ME?!" "HELL NO!" were the responces I got at my proclamation.

"Taylor you just got out of a year long coma you can't just go back into the field! And to Genosha! Do you want to be killed!? or nearly killed again!?" James stated.

"Exactly! I've been in a Coma for a year and have only been seen in public like twice, meanwhile in the year I've been sleeping Jill has been off in public saving the world if she goes off to joing Magneto he will recongize her and she will just be in the same position William and Thomas are in now! He won't reconginze me!" I explained.

"Your daughter has a point Stark," Fury remarked thinking my suggestion over.

"Of course I do!" I interuppted, "Plus who else who is a mutant can you send if you can't send Jill? Syd? Nope, she's dealed with Magneto before, he will recognize her. I'm your best shot to bring them home."


Third person pov.

The twins were still stuck on Genosha and were in seperate ceils that were right next to each other.

"Billy?!" Tommy yelled at William through the wall, "Are you ok!?"

"Ya, I think so!" he answered.

"How can you think so!? It's a yes or a no anwser Billy!" Thomas yelled at his younger by 12 minutes brother. Yes Thomas was protective of Billy, the two 16 year old twins only had each other, they didn't have parents or any family besides each other.

It had been 11 years the boys had been together without parents, and they couldn't remember how or why their parents had just disappeared, they just both remembered waking up one day when they we 5 in the middle of the European country of Sokovia.

Since then the boys had managed to get into the US and stay away from trouble, but that was until Loki come along promising protection.

At frist the twins had joined Loki willingly, that was until they reliezed Loki's real goal of world domination and had their minds controled by the mind stone.

"Well I don't know then! Maybe I'm not ok because we are caged like animals Tommy!" Billy responded to his white haired twin.

This made Thomas fall silent. The two were stuck on the island, and they had no hope of escaping.

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