Chapter 20

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The Avengers were very close to Genosha, they would have parked the helicarrier right above the island but then they probably wouldn't be alive, they would probably be a burning metal ball that would have been originally the Helicarrier.

"We have to get her out of there!" fumed Tony Stark as he pointed out a window where in the distance one could see the mutant island of Genosha.

"THEM," Wanda Maximoff hissed at the billionaire, she was not letting her sons be left behind and in the clutches of her father.

"Fine them!" Tony snapped, "How the hell are we going to do that! THIS IS MAGENTO! A Mutant! We only deal with Demi-god Tricksters and Evil mad titans! Not people from the 1940s!"

"What's the problem with people from the 40s?" Cap asked raising an eyebrow at his teammate.

"UGH! FINE! We don't deal with Magnetic powered jews from the 1940s that are dent on destroying mankind and should be taken care of by the X-men!" Tony spat glaring at Captain America, "Happy now Cap!?"

Cap nodded in satisfaction.

"Stark stop bitching about Magneto not being our problem, because now he is since your daughter decided to go in and take back her 'cousins' from that bastard so sit the F down!" Fury shouted at the billionaire and pointed to the empty seat at the table where all the Avengers and JAs sat.

Tony mumbled something about 'Fury being a bossy pants,' as he sat down his eyes never making contact with Fury's.

"Now if you will all just listen," Fury spoke, "I can tell you our game plan."

The room was silent.

"Right, about time," Fury nodded in approval, "Now here's the plan."

---------MEANWHILE------ (Hour 5)

Taylor's Pov.

I sat in an empty white ceil, its walls plain and desolate of anything. It was an exact copy of Tommy's and Billy's ceils in which I had first found them in. I even had a depowering thing like they did around my ankle.

I had been in here for maybe 3 hours? I couldn't tell the time of day due to my prison being hidden like 20 feet underground or something and not having any clocks on the walls, cause like I said, plain and desolate walls.

I leaned against the wall waiting for anything to happen. I didn't dare to think of anything, if I did then nightmares would fill my thoughts.

I closed my eyes letting silence fill my ears.

The silence was quickly broke.

I snapped my eyes open and looked at the 6 people who entered.

Ken, AZ, Maz, Amaka, Tommy and Billy walked in, the last 6 people I wanted to see.

"Hey guys," I welcomed trying to put a semi smile on my face.

Non of them smiled back at me but Billy raised his eyes in pity at me. He had known what it was like to be in my position.

"What can I help you with?" I asked trying to be a friend.

"We want to know why you did it," AZ answered in a flat voice.

"You want to know why I came here?" I responded and she nodded.

"We want the truth, no more lies," Maz spat at me with his arms crossed across his chest.

"I didn't lie," I hissed.

"There's another lie!" Amaka pointed out.

"It's not a lie, I never lied," I answered trying to calm down.

"You said you were abused, that you were fostered, that you were in Loki's army and that you were injured!" Az stated.

"And I was abused, I was fostered and I was adopted by my biological father, Tony Stark. But I only ever said I got involved with Loki's, which I did, ask William or Thomas. I fought against them." I answered.

All heads turned to the twins but eventually the attention was brought back to me.

"What about your injury?" Ken asked.

"Since I'm Tony Stark's daughter Loki thought I would be good leverage against the Avengers. I challenged him to a duel... I won but he cheated, stabbed me through the stomach and disappeared. I almost died that day, I even think I did but was brought back. I was in a coma for a year before I came here," I answered.

They still looked sceptic so I lifted the bottom of my shirt to show the 5 inch scar that covered my belly.

Non of them said anything when they saw that, and their faces softened.

I looked at them and dropped my shirt. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of Blue and white.

Wait... What?

The Flash speed across my vision one more time, then Ken was tackled to the floor by the blur.

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