Chapter 18

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I woke up at 8:30 the next morning to the sound of my alarm going off to a cover of Centuries by Vitamin String Quartet. 

"Jarvis.... Snooze..." I said out of instinct as I turned over in my bed and buried my head under the pillow. 

The alarm continued to sound and didn't shut up, I loved the song but I REALLY wanted more sleep. 

"JARVIS!" I growled snapping awake just to take in my surroundings. I wasn't home... I wasn't in the tower.

I turned my Alarm off by myself and started getting dress for the day; apparently we were going to some test or something. I didn't exactly listen then AZ explained, I was busy eyeing an Avengers T-shirt at Hot Topic that I knew I couldn't get. 

I pulled on a pair of Jeans and a loose graphic tee that said I'm Awesome. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair before heading to the living floor. 

I walked to the elevator and road it to the main floor where we were all meeting up, I was the last to arrive. 

"Taylor! About Time!" Maz yelled at me as I walked out of the elevator. 

"Shut it Maz, you got here 50 seconds ago," AZ hissed smacking him upside the head. 

"OW!" was the responce he gave but AZ paid no attention to her brother. 

"Alright... we're all here! Let's go!" Ken stated like a true leader. 

We all walked back to the elevator and crammed into it, I was squeezed between Billy and the right back cornor of the elevator. 

The elevator was silent the hold ride down. 

The elevator's doors opened after following the ding it gave to signal we had arrived. We stepped off the elevator and walked out the door of the building and headed towards the main command center which was close to the docks. 

It took about a 20 minute walk before we got there, I spent most of the time walking next to Billy and Tommy. 

When we got to the building we were ushered to the back of the building and put in a waiting room. 

"So what are they exactly going to do during this test?" Tommy asked directing the question towards AZ and Ken. 

"It's to make sure all of us, are well us, and not clones or something or some replacement," Ken answered. 

I nodded understanding this pretty easily. 

"Ken?" asked a lady as she walked in and looked down at the chart in her hands. 

Ken nodded a farewell and good luck and left with the lady pretty quickly.

After Ken Amaka was called out by a short black haired nurse looking man. Then Tommy by a tall 6 foot women. AZ and Maz followed after both being called at the same time by two different people. That left me and Billy to sit waiting for someone to come get us. 

No one walked in for 10 minutes and me and Billy sat together in silence not daring to speck in the fear that someone was listening or watching us. 

"Taylor?" asked a voice. 

I snapped my head up to see the same women that had took Ken back first. 

"If you would follow me?" the women asked and I nodded standing up and following her out of the room leaving Billy alone. 

She took me back and walked me through a hospital like atmosphere that was a little intimating to me... I did not like hospitals. 

She brought me over to a seat in which I would sit in  when they would draw my blood from my arm, with a needle. 

I hate needles truly. 

I cringed as the needle slid into a vein on my left hand.

I hated needles, and I always will. 

They took 3 tubes of blood before they took the needle out and put a cotton ball over the hole in my skin and wrapped it down with light blue gaze, I think its called. 

They rushed the tubes out of the room to be tested and gave me a bottle of water and a chocolate chip cookie to help me recuperate with the blood loss. 

They lead me back to the waiting room where everyone but Billy was waiting. 

I plopped down onto a chair  next to Amaka and leaned my head back placing it on the top of the head of the chair.

"What do we do now?" I questioned resting my eyes closing them. 

"We wait... it weird but Magneto always requires that we wait for the results before we leave," Ken explained. 

"What? Why? Doesn't take like a day or two before the results can even come back?" I asked VERY confused. 

"Not here," AZ replied for him, "Because of all the different types of mutants we have on the island some are able to speed up certain things so we get results faster, this sould take about 5-10 minutes."

"Wow..." was my only response. 

So we waited for 5-10 minutes to get the results and when it was time Magneto gave the results to us. 

"Children!" he greeted in what sounded like a fake happy voice. 

"Magneto," replied Ken nodding his head in respect to the metal controlling mutant. 

"Alright... let's go over the results..." Magneto quickly stated wanting to get straight to the point. 

"Azar Ali Sherazi, Father: Reza Sherazi, Mother: Sarv Sherazi Raafati, Status: Cleared. No extra notes," Magneto read off.

"Mazin Farhad Sherazi, Father: Reza Sherazi, Mother: Sarv Sherazi Raafati, Status Cleared. No extra notes.

"Ken Haruto Saito, Father: Hibiki Saito, Mother: Emily Athena Russel, Status: Cleared. No extra notes.

"Amaka Zuri Myaka, Father: Khamisi Myaka , Mother: Awiti Meklit, Status: Cleared. No extra notes.

"Thomas Maximoff, Father: Unknown, Mother: Wanda Maximoff. Status: Threat level 2. Grandson of Magneto, Son of Avenger Scarlet Witch, Nephew of Quicksilver.

"William (Billy) Maximoff, Father: Unknown, Mother: Wanda Maximoff. Status: Threat level 2. Grandson of Magneto, Son of Avenger Scarlet Witch, Nephew of Quicksilver, Wasn't raised by Avengers, under Magneto's Protection

"Taylor James Stark, Father: Anthony Edward Stark, Mother: Virginia Pepper Potts, Status: Spy, Traitor, Daughter of Iron Man, Infiltrator, Lier," Mangeto spat finishing up the list. 

Everyone looked at Billy, Tommy, and I. 

My secret was out. Billy and Tommy were safe though. 

"TAKE HER AWAY!!!" Magneto yelled and then I was knocked out and the world turned black.

Hey guys! Now the story is getting interesting! RIGHT? 

So I was wondering if any of you have a suggestion for book 3? Cause I think there are maybe 6 more chapters in this book! 

Put ur suggestions in the comments!

Also the sequel to Six of the Kind will be posed within 10 minutes! ENJOY!!!! 

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