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"Are you crazy Schnucki? You never shoult have taken zis job!" LoLo looks up to meet the hard dark eyes of her nanny turned "auntie" as she angrily folds a sweatshirt, forcing it into the waiting suitcase.

"It's the best opportunity I could have ever imagined receiving!" LoLo fights right back, following the sweatshirt with a pair of jeans shoved into the case.

"But vat happens ven Herr Matt-hew sees you? He vill know! Or Herr Milo?"

"It's been years Anja! And I look different. They aren't going to know and I'm not going to tell them." LoLo sighs, "My life got turned on its head five years ago, you know that, I know that, and I was forced to change my dreams, don't try to ruin my new dream finally coming true! Please Anja, don't ruin this for me."

"I am trying to protect you! You are not sinking properly Schnucki! Everysing ve have vorked so hart to leave behind may be exposed. It coult ruin you!"

"I refuse to live in fear of my parents and their mistakes. I'm taking the job. Are you going to send me off in an Uber after a fight or drive me to the airport yourself? I love you Anja, you have been everything to me for my whole life, but I am twenty-two and I need to move on with my dreams and my life. I will always come home to you, but maybe now you should focus on creating a life for yourself too, focus on your hobbies more. Look into opening that German Bistro you have dreamed of since before I was born. You are an amazing cook, you could do it!"

"Don't dismiss me so kindly Lissy." Anja scoffs, crossing her arms, but there is a hint of a smile on her lips now.

"I will always come home to you. Wherever you choose home is, if you stay here in Chicago or move to LA, or go to a small town in the middle of nowhere. I will come there to be with you. You are my family Anja, my only family."

"Vat bank is going to give a German immigrant vis a background of only five years any money?"

"You don't need a bank. We have my trust fund."

"Schnucki I coult never!" Anja gasps.

"I don't want it. That money came from nothing good and I'm fine making my own. Plus we haven't even thought about using it since it became available to me a year and a half ago. Look around, find a friend to be a business partner with you. Or go at it alone. I have full trust in you, you can do this. And I'm giving you my money to do it with."

"Vhat if I fail?"

"Then at least you tried."

"I love you Schnucki. You are my most prout accomplishment." Anja shakes her head, wandering around the queen size bed to pull LoLo into her arms, hugging her tightly.

"You are my only family Anja, I want to take care of you. I want you to see this dream come true for you.You came to the US to find a dream, and you found my family, and then your dream. You've served my family for twenty-two years now. Go chase that dream, but I get a free slice of Baumkuchen with all my orders." LoLo adds with a giggle, hugging the older woman tightly.

"If you sink you vill pay ever at my shop, you are mistaken."

"I'm going to miss you so much Anja."

"I vill miss you too. Please be careful Schnucki, I am still vorried about you vorking so close vith Herr Matthew and Herr Milo."

"I promise, I'll be careful."

"Finish packing, you have a flight to catch." Anja smiles, pressing a motherly kiss to LoLo's forehead before turning back to the waiting bags.

"Thank you Anja, for believing in me, trusting me, and loving me so unconditionally."

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