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TMZ Breaking News! Zachary Thompson, Drummer of band Pier 6, has written a Biography about the allusive Victoria Abernathy and her role in the Deliverer of Death case!

E! Sources close to the band Pier 6 have stated there is a biography written by Zachary Thompson (drummer) regarding the infamous Abernathy family, possibly including interviews with Felicity Abernathy!

Entertainment Tonight Our sources say the rumors are true! A new biography about Felicity Abernathy is in the works, written by Zachary Thompson, drummer of Pier 6. Thompson's bandmate Matthew Knight dated Felicity in high school, we can only imagine this is the reason for their fighting on tour!

Daily Mail Our sources are telling us the Felicity Abernathy biography is complete and Thompson has sent an excerpt to publishers across the country for bids. The disconnect between members of Pier 6 over the last few months is no doubt due to the biography, seeing as Matthew Knight and Felicity Abernathy have a history.


"Okay, not sure how I feel about finding out the rumors are true, we probably should have talked about this before now, Zach." Dan starts, the band and LoLo gathered yet again for a meeting, this time called by Dan, who they had actually forgotten to include in any of the conversations about the book before news broke.

"Ya, sorry. I was so worried about telling Matt and Milo and the band, and I forgot about telling our manager..." Zach chuckles nervously.

"So all of you knew before today?" Dan asks the group at large.

"Full disclosure, we should also let you know that the rumors that he had interviews with Felicity are very much true." LoLo adds, "In fact he had over one hundred of them, because I am Felicity..."

"Wait, what?" Dan turns sharply.

"Uh, ya. That's kind of how all of this happened. I figured out that she was Felicity, and made her confirm it to me. Then I begged her to let me write a book about her life and that became the biography."

"Surprised all of us with that one." Chaz scoffs slightly.

"I finally took back control of my life, and fired the lawyers that had put me in the messy situation. Well the messy situation after the other mess that was my dad..."

"Okay, I don't actually care that much about the book, so long as it doesn't ruin the band you five have created. I don't even care if you feel the need to fire LoLo for her role. I just need to know if I still have a band." Dan sighs, "No offense, LoLo, we love having you on the team, but you are more expendable than the five of them."

"We are not going to let it break us." Matt speaks up, surprising everyone it seems, "Look, it was shocking to me when I found out, I felt every single emotion, and I'm still feeling a lot of them. How did I not know? How did I not see it? Of all the people on this tour, in this band, I should have seen it! I fucking dated her! I pined for her for over five years! I should have made the connections that Zach did, and I should have been the one to see through all the smoke and mirrors to who she was inside. I'm happy I know where she is now, I'm relieved to have answers, and grateful she is so forthcoming with those answers. I'm angry that I lost five years and then lost another nine months. I'm angry with myself that I didn't listen when my head told me LoLo was Lyss, when my mom said she could see similarities, when my sisters tried to convince me they could see it. I'm mad I missed all the clues, and I'm doubting myself to an extent because I did. But not a single one of us can say we have any idea what we would have done in her situation and I think all of us need to give her a chance to fully explain and heal and see where things go. I also know that if I had been in Zach's position, if I had figured it out, I would have wanted to do absolutely everything in my power to help her, just like he did. He is better with writing than me though, so maybe part of me is glad it was him. Plus, he's got that whole big brother, I can fix everyone's shit thing going for him too. So I'm putting my foot down on this one, and I'm saying we will figure it out. This isn't breaking the band, or my brotherhood with Zach. And we aren't firing LoLo either. We are going to take it all in stride together, and we are going to communicate like we always have, and we will get through all the emotions all of us are feeling. Okay?" He looks around the room, making eye contact with each person as he does.

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