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"MEMPHIS!" Chaz startles LoLo as the group heads from their downtown hotel, "The boys are back!"

"Alright Troy Bolton." Reese laughs, rolling her eyes at the outburst.

"Because you're not going to be excited when we get to Chicago next week?" Zach raises an eyebrow at her as a challenge to deny the fact of the matter.

"Not going to scream it to the world quite so literally."

"I'm just excited." Chaz pouts, "I miss this city. Unlike you, Zach and I grew up in a town known for music, it lives and breathes in these streets, and this is my favorite place in the entire world. What's Chicago known for again? Wind..."

"So I take it that if Chaz had his way we would be hitting up Graceland, Sun Studio, The Memphis Music Hall of fame, and ending the day club hopping on Beale Street to find the best music?" LoLo laughs.

"Ew, make me sound more like a tourist, why don't you?" Chaz frowns, the look he throws her clearly filled with disgust.

"He visited all of those places enough in high school to account for twenty lifetimes, they've lost some of their charm on him." Zach says quietly to LoLo with a chuckle.

"So where are we going? I have only been to Memphis once and it was for a ballet thing so I saw nothing but the hotel and theater." LoLo turns back to Chaz who seems to be the one leading the group.

"Everywhere and nowhere I guess, I didn't really have a plan, I just wanted to be home again, to see the city and walk down these old streets." Chaz shrugs, shoving his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.

"Why don't you girls lead the way, we've ran these streets since we could con bus money off our parents, if you see something you want to check out, or know of any of the touristy attractions you are dying to see say so." Zach offers.

"I'm half tempted to demand a trip to one of these places Chaz has over visited just to piss him off." Reese smirks.

"Wow." Chaz scoffs, turning to walk backwards as he glares at Reese.

"I'm down to find a good bookshop and spend too much money on some new reads." LoLo shrugs.

"She really only speaks your language doesn't she, Zach?" Chaz's glare falls, being replaced with a laugh.

"There is nothing wrong with a well read woman, or books in general. Though you have been trying to convince mom you were allergic to ink, paper, binding, or anything else associated with books since we were about seven so I guess that's not something you would understand."

"I'm going to go with you're not allergic to ink seeing as you have about seventy tattoos." LoLo laughs.

"Ha ha." Chaz rolls his eyes yet again, "I was seven and didn't want to read after school like was the assignment."

"It was not a very good argument and mom's punishment for his attitude was that he had to read twice the required time for two weeks. I thought that sounded heavenly." Zach grins.

"I used to get in trouble with my ballet instructors because they thought I wasn't sleeping enough due to staying up late after rehearsals to read. I actually had a lot of the opposite punishments, I wasn't allowed to read at night if the instructors mentioned anything that seemed lacking or off to my parents."

"I had a similar punishment if my chores weren't done, or my other homework." Zach nods understandingly.

"You were a ballerina?" Reese asks with an air of surprise in her voice, "I knew you danced but that kind of punishment makes it sound serious."

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